Infosecurity News

  1. Operation First Light Seizes $257m in Global Scam Bust

    The operation, orchestrated by Interpol, resulted in the arrest of 3950 suspects

  2. Majority of Critical Open Source Projects Contain Memory Unsafe Code

    A CISA analysis in collaboration with international partners concluded most critical open source projects potentially contain memory safety vulnerabilities

  3. US Charges Russian Individual for Pre-Invasion Ukraine Hack

    The US government is offering up to $10m for information on Amin Timovich Stigal’s location or his malicious cyber activity

  4. IT Leaders Split on Using GenAI For Cybersecurity

    Corelight study claims many IT leaders see benefit of GenAI but similar share are concerned about data exposure

  5. Chinese State Actors Use Ransomware to Conceal Real Intent

    A new report warns that Chinese APT groups are using ransomware to conceal cyber-espionage activity

  6. Progress Discloses Two New Vulnerabilities in MOVEit Products

    Two authentication bypass vulnerabilities affect Progress Software’s MOVEit Transfer SFTP service in a default configuration and MOVEit Gateway

  7. Novel Banking Malware Targets Customers in Southeast Asia

    A novel malware strain, Snowblind, bypasses security measures in banking apps on Android, leading to financial losses and fraud, according to Promon

  8. Cyber Attackers Turn to Cloud Services to Deploy Malware

    A growing number of malware operators have turned to cloud-based command and control servers to deploy malicious campaigns, Fortinet researchers found

  9. Identity Crime Reports Drop 16% Annually but Job Scams Surge

    Identity-related crimes declined 16% annually in 2023 with the majority related to compromised credentials

  10. Fake Law Firms Con Victims of Crypto Scams, Warns FBI

    The FBI has urged cryptocurrency scam victims to be on the alert for fraudsters posing as lawyers

  11. New Medusa Trojan Variant Emerges with Enhanced Stealth Features

    Cleafy identified five different botnets operated by affiliates, each targeting different geographical areas

  12. Dark Web Sees 230% Rise in Singapore Identity Theft

    According to Resecurity, a significant portion of the stolen data was found on the XSS underground forum

  13. Cloud Breaches Impact Nearly Half of Organizations

    A Thales report found that 44% of organizations have experienced a cloud data breach, with human error and misconfigurations the leading root causes

  14. Google's Naptime Framework to Boost Vulnerability Research with AI

    The framework aims to improve automated vulnerability discovery approaches

  15. Suspected North Korean Attack Drains $2m from CoinStats Wallets

    CoinStats has revealed a likely state-sponsored attack impacting over 1500 users

  16. Credential Stuffing Attack Hits 72,000 Levi’s Accounts

    Levi’s reveals major credential stuffing attack impacting over 72,000 customer accounts

  17. Modular Malware Boolka’s BMANAGER Trojan Exposed

    The group has been observed exploiting vulnerabilities through SQL injection attacks since 2022

  18. Android Users Warned of Rising Malware Threat From Rafel RAT

    An earlier publication by Check Point Research had already linked Rafel to the APT-C-35/DoNot Team

  19. China-Based RedJuliett Targets Taiwan in Cyber Espionage Campaign

    The likely Chinese state-sponsored group ran espionage campaigns against Taiwan’s government, academia and diplomacy from Fuzhou, China

  20. Polish Prosecutors Step Up Probe into Pegasus Spyware Operation

    Polish prosecutors investigating a massive political spying operation have seized Pegasus from a government agency

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