Infosecurity Blogs

  1. Data Destruction and the Environment

    The various challenges the data destruction industry faces across all media types

    1. Photo of Heidi  Parthena White

      Heidi Parthena White

      Director of Marketing, Security Engineered Machinery, SEM

  2. Simulating COVID-19 Phishing Emails

    It is ethical to do a phishing simulation exercise at this time?

    1. Photo of Javvad Malik

      Javvad Malik

      Security Awareness Advocate, KnowBe4

  3. Closing the Cybersecurity Skill Gap with Education Diversity

    Whether it’s gender, age, ethnicity, class or education level, diversity is about much more than demographics.

    1. Photo of Adenike Cosgrove

      Adenike Cosgrove

      Cybersecurity Strategist at Proofpoint, Proofpoint

  4. Security by Sector: Kaspersky Makes Security Products Free for Healthcare Institutions Amid #COVID19 Pandemic

    Kaspersky supports healthcare organizations with free, full product licenses for six months

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  5. Cloud Native Threats: The Role of Infrastructure

    What if cyber-criminals could find a way to simplify the setup of their malicious infrastructures, using an available and resilient architecture?

    1. Photo of Paolo Passeri

      Paolo Passeri

      Cyber Intelligence Principal, Netskope

  6. Improving Cyber-Risk Management with ISO 27001 and the 10 Steps to Cybersecurity

    How the ‘10 steps to cybersecurity’ map with requirements of ISO 27001

  7. Why Physical Data Destruction is Absolutely Vital

    Many people neglect to take proper physical destruction into consideration

    1. Photo of Flora Knolton

      Flora Knolton

      Sales & Marketing Associate, Security Engineered Machinery

  8. Virgin Media Data Breach: What Can Customers Do?

    The failings that enabled the Virgin Media breach, and what options are open to consumers

    1. Photo of Aman Johal

      Aman Johal

      Director and lawyer at Your Lawyers

  9. Where the Cyberspace Solarium Commission Report Succeeded and Could Improve

    The report moves the governments defense of civilization into modern times, but I feel we can do more

    1. Photo of Chris Grove

      Chris Grove

      Technology Evangelist, Nozomi Networks

  10. Best Practices in Designing a Data Decommissioning Policy

    Ensure a proper decommissioning plan to minimize your organization’s chances of falling victim to a breach

    1. Photo of Heidi  Parthena White

      Heidi Parthena White

      Director of Marketing, Security Engineered Machinery, SEM

  11. Growing VPN Exploitation Is Cause For Concern

    Attacks are often web application attacks abusing the web frontend that has been extended from VPNs

    1. Photo of Patrick Sullivan

      Patrick Sullivan

      CTO, Security Strategy, Akamai

  12. Security by Sector: NHS Digital and Egress Partner to Strengthen Healthcare Email Processes

    Move will improve user experience and security in NHSmail

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  13. Linux Kernel Live Patching: What It Is and Who Needs It

    A background of live patching and the advantages of using it

    1. Mikhail Pobirskiy

      Product Manager, KernelCare

  14. Coronavirus and the Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

    Organizations who survive the fallout will be those that understand how to isolate and insulate their core operations and services.

    1. Photo of Raef  Meeuwisse

      Raef Meeuwisse

      CISM, CISA, Author of Cybersecurity for Beginners

  15. Security by Sector: 148% Increase in Cyber-Attacks on The Pensions Regulator in 2019

    Email attacks on the pensions sector are on the rise

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  16. Women in Cybersecurity Keynote: Bobbie Stempfley Shares Invaluable Career Advice

    Bobbie Stempfley delivered an inspirational keynote presentation at the Infosecurity Magazine Women in Cybersecurity networking breakfast event in San Francisco

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  17. Meeting SOC 2 Compliance With Your Own Products

    Getting SOC 2 compliance is tough, keeping it is tougher

    1. Leonid Kanter

      IT Director, CloudLinux.

  18. Why Our Infosecurity Women in Cybersecurity Networking Event Isn’t About Women in Cybersecurity

    Infosecurity is preparing for it's fourth women in cybersecurity networking event – the first to be run Stateside

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  19. Security by Sector: Medical IoT Gets Much Needed Dose of Cybersecurity

    Connected healthcare devices are a serious security risk, but a new virtual segmentation capability seeks to boost medical IoT

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  20. Combatting Coronavirus Phishing and Malware Attacks

    As the virus becomes more widespread, we’re likely to see similar tactics used

    1. Photo of Will LaSala

      Will LaSala

      Senior Director of Global Solutions, OneSpan

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