Infosecurity Blogs

  1. Panel Discussion: Managing Third Party Risk, Cloud & Supply Chain Complexity

    A panel discussion on managing third party risk, cloud and supply chain complexity amidst ever-changing regulatory frameworks

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  2. Making Security Awareness Work in 2018 - Get SMARTER

    It's not too late to create a SMARTER security awareness and training program.

    1. Photo of Perry Carpenter

      Perry Carpenter

      Chief Evangelist and Strategy Officer, KnowBe4

  3. NIS and the Critical National Infrastructure

    Looking at the implications of the Government’s recent announcement on the Network and Information Systems security directive for UK CNI

    1. Robert Orr

      Cybersecurity Principal Consultant CNI at Context Information Security

  4. No Silver Bullet for GDPR Compliance

    The challenge for many of us is that we may not easily be able to afford the range of skills we need for a GDPR compliance team.

    1. Photo of Raef  Meeuwisse

      Raef Meeuwisse

      CISM, CISA, Author of Cybersecurity for Beginners

  5. "In the Underworld" - What can Cybersecurity learn from the World of 1980s' Professional Crime?

    What can the modern cybersecurity company learn from a 1980s criminal investigations?

    1. Photo of Chris Mayers

      Chris Mayers

      Chief Security Architect, Citrix

  6. GDPR Questions Answered: Our Web App Could Store Data

    To help solve your GDPR queries, data privacy offer and expert Steve Wright is joining us to answer your questions.

    1. Photo of Steve Wright

      Steve Wright

      Group Data Privacy Officer

  7. Protecting Your Data From The Hacker Threat, Part One

    These approaches can be implemented in every data center, and will go a long way in minimizing susceptibility to attack.

    1. Photo of Destiny Bertucci

      Destiny Bertucci

      Head Geek, SolarWinds

  8. Failed Incident Responses from 2017 Provide Important Case Studies

    How 2017 will provide instructors are armed with new, relevant material that can provide excellent case studies on how not to respond to an incident.

    1. Photo of Frank Downs

      Frank Downs

      Senior Director of Cybersecurity Advisory and Assessment Solutions, ISACA

  9. How 2017 Thrusted Cybersecurity Into the National Spotlight

    Skills, ransomware and unpatched systems made 2-17 a memorable year in cybersecurity.

    1. Photo of Mari Galloway

      Mari Galloway

      Director of Finance & Communications, Womens Cyberjutsu

  10. A Year of Security Culture in Review

    1. Photo of Kai Roer

      Kai Roer

      Founder and CEO of CLTRe

  11. What are IT professionals guilty of in 2017?

    Perhaps it's time to shine an uncompromising light on the IT security failures of 2017—the sins we are guilty of as IT professionals—in a hopeful bid to inspire us to instigate change and maybe even prepare New Years' resolutions for 2018 that will actually be kept.

    1. Photo of Destiny Bertucci

      Destiny Bertucci

      Head Geek, SolarWinds

  12. Security by Liquified Information

    A mismatch about what roles, responsibilities, and complexity are imposed by current information security risk management.

  13. Punycode: Undetectable, but not Unbeatable

    While Punycode attacks can be beaten, there’s only so much that businesses can do to protect individuals and organizations.

    1. Photo of Bryan Campbell

      Bryan Campbell

      Senior Security Researcher & Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer, Fujitsu UK & Ireland

  14. CRM Communication via Beacons with Security & Privacy in Mind

    Beacon technology is becoming more and more popular within retailers

    1. Photo of Arkadiusz Mlyniec

      Arkadiusz Mlyniec

      Consulting Director CRM & Marketing, Comarch

  15. Successful Digital Transformation Requires Swift, but Informed Action

    Digital transformation is overhauling how enterprises are going about meeting those objectives.

    1. Photo of Robert Clyde

      Robert Clyde

      Past ISACA Board Chair, Crypto Quantique Board Chair and Cybral Board Director

  16. Why BYOD Authentication Struggles to be Secure

    Given that the general concept in security has always been to eliminate passwords and use MFA, recent survey results are surprising, so why is there a disconnect?

    1. Photo of Aurobindo Sundaram

      Aurobindo Sundaram

      Head of Information Assurance & Data Protection, RELX Group

  17. Pen Testing & Scanning for Vulnerabilities: Differences & Methodologies

    The question of how to protect a business and prevent attacks has never been more important

    1. Photo of Lukasz Czerwonka

      Lukasz Czerwonka

      System Security Engineer, Comarch SA

  18. Security Alert: Worrisome Security Risks Discovered in LG Smart Devices

    Smart vacuum cleaners with sensors and a video camera can be hacked and abused by cyber-criminals

    1. Photo of Ofer Amitai

      Ofer Amitai

      CEO, Portnox

  19. Improving Network Security With Software-Defined Networking

    SDN has shifted the perception of value from hardware to software, and has made it crucial to understand the evolving cyber threat landscape and security challenges around it.

    1. Ewa Wojcik

      Project Manager, Comarch SA

    2. Photo of Malgorzata Zabieglinska–Lupa

      Malgorzata Zabieglinska–Lupa

      ICT Product Manager, Comarch

  20. Huge Changes are Coming: it's Time to Prepare Technologically for GDPR

    Should we expect GDPR to create a major upheaval? Do the upcoming changes hold anything to fear? The answer to both questions is “not necessarily”.

    1. Photo of Dariusz Wójcik

      Dariusz Wójcik

      ICT Product Manager, Comarch

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