Infosecurity Blogs

  1. Betrayed By Your Biggest Fan

    Fansmitter malware is designed to acoustically exfiltrate sensitive information across air-gapped system.

    1. Photo of Adam Godfrey

      Adam Godfrey

      Cybersecurity Policy and Compliance Consultant

  2. Millennials and Their Impact on Security

    While it's brilliant that millennials are digital natives and as such insanely clever about technology, this is juxtaposed with a blatant disregard for the security of that technology.

    1. Photo of Simon Cuthbert

      Simon Cuthbert

      Director at ExactTrak

  3. Inside Threats, Compound Solutions

    Organizations must update and enforce technological policies that include usage logging and tightly controlling those who have elevated “admin rights”. In many cases, this is all easier said than done, so outsourcing to specialists is often the smarter path to take. Even if you are Jack Bauer.

    1. Photo of Jamie Tyler

      Jamie Tyler

      Director of Digital Transformation and Innovation, CenturyLink

  4. Breaches Mean Fraud Spikes - So Be Aware

    The last few years have been particularly eventful, and 2015 will be remembered for many momentous milestones. For those of us involved in security and fighting fraud online, we will remember it as a big year for major data breaches.

    1. Photo of Don Bush

      Don Bush

      Vice President of Marketing at Kount

  5. A Day in the Life of an IT Pro: Back to basics

    With the basics in place we can at the very least start the war with the right security strategy.

    1. Photo of Mav Turner

      Mav Turner

      Director, IT Security Business, SolarWinds

  6. Why EU Data Protection Will Still Apply to Post-Brexit UK

    For commercial, legal and moral reasons the EU GDPR, or something that mimics it, will apply in the UK following Brexit.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  7. Come Spy with Me: Drones and Info-Sec

    As drone use increases, new challenges are emerging with regard to privacy and information security.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  8. Repetition is (The) Key

    Education and awareness will go a long way in protecting your business against many types of cybercrime. But creating a risk-conscious workplace is easier said than done. Of course, the first step in making your staff aware of possible threats is training. But how much of this training do you remember months or even years later?

    1. Photo of Frits Vos

      Frits Vos

      CIO at Netpresenter

  9. Working With Giants – 25 Years of IT Security

    Symantec's June 2016 announcement that it intends to buy Blue Coat mirrors Trend Micro's acquisition of Tipping Point in 2015. Both moves underline that there is an appetite for integrated offerings from the broad play security giants.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  10. Getting Serious About Thwarting Cyber-Criminals

    The theory behind protecting company sensitive information from attackers has not changed much in close to two decades, yet a shocking number of organizations still deploy inadequate defences.

    1. Photo of Chris Pogue

      Chris Pogue

      head of strategic alliances, Nuix

  11. Why Sharing, Not Secrecy, Can be Better for Security

    GDPR requires organizations to document publicly the fact that they have experienced a breach and the extent of it, at the time it occurred.

    1. Photo of Udi Mokady

      Udi Mokady

      President and CEO, CyberArk

  12. UK's Most Innovative Small Cyber Security Company Named at #Infosec16

    It is great to see new companies entering the industry and after covering the Innovation Sandbox at RSA Conference earlier this year, I was very interested to see Infosecurity Europe follow suit with a session “UK's Most Innovative Small Cyber Security Company of the Year: Competition Final”.

  13. Fixing the UK’s Ransomware Problem

    Prevention is always better than cure, but the state of the UK’s businesses when it comes to shoring up user security is shockingly poor, which is extremely worrying when the threat is growing.

    1. Photo of François Amigorena

      François Amigorena

      Founder and CEO, IS Decisions

  14. Ten Compelling Reasons to Improve Security when Harnessing the Power of Desktop Virtualization

    10 tips to help you assert control over enterprise mobility while ensuring compliance and security.

    1. Photo of Kevin Patel

      Kevin Patel

      Service Assurance Technology Analyst at Xangati

  15. Nine Steps to The GDPR

    Here are some the steps organizations can take to stay ahead of the reforms taking effect in 2018.

    1. Photo of Colman Morrissey

      Colman Morrissey

      Managing Director, BSI Espion

  16. Persuading Employees They Are Your Organization’s First Line of Defence

    What is less well known is how to turn employees into a company’s strongest line of defense.

    1. Photo of Chris Barrington

      Chris Barrington

      Managing Director at Blue Goose

  17. Traditional Security Tools Fail Against Modern-Day Threats

    What can companies do to implement a holistic security infrastructure that defends against evolving, modern-day threats?

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  18. The Nature of Camouflage

    PowerShell is an example of a native tool that can be utilized to infiltrate a company.

    1. Photo of Nick Palmer

      Nick Palmer

      TrapX Security

  19. First the IP Bill, Then What?

    It seems that with regrettable flippancy, the Investigatory Powers Bill will be passed later this year.

    1. Photo of Jacob Ginsberg

      Jacob Ginsberg

      Senior Director, Echoworx

  20. Threat Intelligence - The Answer to Threats or Another Fad?

    The threat landscape has been dynamic and ever changing, and the growth and rapid advancement in cyber-attacks against enterprises and individuals have rendered traditional cyber-security measures virtually obsolete.

    1. Photo of Jyothi  Babu Thummala

      Jyothi Babu Thummala

      Director of Security Solutions - Infrastructure & Security Business at Happiest Minds Technologies

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