Infosecurity Blogs

  1. The Overlooked Elements of InfoSec: Solving the Unknown Unknowns

    If there’s a golden rule around InfoSec, it probably amounts to “you have to know what exists on your network to effectively protect it.”

    1. Photo of Peter Martini

      Peter Martini

      President of, iBoss

  2. How Information Resilience can Help Businesses Secure Their Place in Tomorrow’s Supply Chain

    The proper protection of a business’ digital information is a growing concern, and one that must be addressed to ensure the long-term prosperity of an organization.

    1. Photo of Toni Allen

      Toni Allen

      UK Head of Client Propositions at BSI

  3. Why Preventing Rooting and Jailbreaking is so Important

    Although rooting and jailbreaking are technically different processes on different platforms, the end-goal is the same.

    1. Photo of Alex Manea

      Alex Manea

      CSO, BlackBerry

  4. Why Employees Are Taxing Your Cyber Security Team’s Patience

    Tax season shouldn’t put an undue burden on the IT team.

    1. Photo of Bradon Rogers

      Bradon Rogers

      SVP Product Strategy and Operations at Blue Coat‬

  5. IT Untethered – How Wireless is Changing the World

    Wi-Fi started out as way to make local area networks easier to deploy. Now, coupled with cellular networks, the rise ubiquitous mobility and the IoT, wireless is changing the world and there are security issues to consider.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  6. Securing the Connected Organization

    Victoria Windsor, Content Manager for Infosecurity Europe, looks at the challenges businesses face to secure their connected enterprise in 2016

    1. Photo of Victoria Windsor

      Victoria Windsor

      Content Manager, Infosecurity Magazine

  7. Why Data Leaks Will Continue to Happen

    The release of sensitive information to the public by individuals who are sometimes called whistleblowers and dubbed traitor or hero, is termed to be a data leak.

    1. Photo of Muhammad Suleman

      Muhammad Suleman

      Senior Information Security Consultant

  8. How to Run Effective Phishing Assessment and Training Campaigns Employees Don’t Hate

    The 11 best ways to conduct a successful phishing assessment process.

    1. Photo of Eyal Benishti

      Eyal Benishti

      CEO of IronScales

  9. #MayThe4thBeWithYou : The Insider Threat Awakens

    Spoiler alert: If you are one of the few people in the galaxy who haven’t seen the movie yet, you may want to hold off on reading this.

    1. Photo of Paul Drapeau

      Paul Drapeau

      Principal Security Researcher, Confer

  10. We Cannot Fight DDoS Attacks With Our Eyes Closed

    When dealing with a DDoS attack, it can be challenging to determine whether your website is down due to legitimate traffic volumes or because of an attack. Unfortunately, businesses are unable to simply check to see if all the traffic is coming from one IP address because of the nature of DDoS attacks whereby traffic comes from multiple sources.

    1. Photo of Paul Heywood

      Paul Heywood

      EMEA MD at Dyn

  11. Five Recommendations for Smarter Security Operations

    The impact of smarter resource allocation will continue to be a major factor for the cyber security function as the gap between supply of talent and the demand for more mature programs grows.

    1. Photo of Francis Ofungwu

      Francis Ofungwu

      Director, Information Security - Office of the CISO

  12. Fighting Account Takeovers with Cloud Intelligence

    From a defensive point of view, examining a single transaction initiated with stolen credentials to a single web application will return an inconclusive insight, so therefore taking preventive action on that transaction becomes a risky decision.

    1. Photo of Or Katz

      Or Katz

      Security researcher at Akamai, Akamai

  13. Give Your System a Security Checkup

    You need to do a regular (preferably quarterly) cybersecurity checkup that handles every aspect of your network and system.

    1. Photo of Jen  Martinson

      Jen Martinson

      Editor-in-Chief, Secure Thoughts

  14. Fighting Account Takeovers with Cloud Intelligence

    Visitors to highly-secured web applications create login credentials and then recycle those credentials to access another potentially vulnerable web application.

    1. Photo of Or Katz

      Or Katz

      Security researcher at Akamai, Akamai

  15. Testing Anti-Malware Support

    Product support - a less-frequently tested aspect of security.

    1. Photo of David Harley

      David Harley

      Retired Cybersecurity Expert

  16. The Cloud is the New 'Third Place', but Security Needs to Keep Pace

    If we are going to really reap the benefits of the cloud as a 'third space' its security has to be improved.

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  17. User and Entity Behavior Analytics is Just One Piece of the Insider Threat Puzzle

    User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) has quickly become a crowded space. CISOs are overwhelmed by vendors promising UEBA as the key to combatting insider threats when in reality it’s “a” key not “the” key.

    1. Photo of Feris Rifai

      Feris Rifai

      CEO and Co-Founder of Bay Dynamics

  18. Your Money or Your Data? Mitigating Ransomware with Dropbox

    Ransomware is designed to scare you into parting with money to avoid losing your data; there is no reason that either should happen. Traditional anti-virus and cloud storage services such as Dropbox form part of an effective mitigation strategy.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  19. What Apple Vs. The FBI Can Teach Us About Cloud Storage Security

    The recent Apple vs. FBI debate hit close to home for the cloud community because it touched on one of the industry’s hottest topics: data security.

    1. Photo of John Taylor

      John Taylor

      Chief Technology Officer, Panzura

  20. Five Ways to Improve Security and Increase Collaboration

    With mass migration from business in brick-and-mortar to the ‘wild’ World Wide Web, there are bound to be some growing pains.

    1. Photo of Dave Lenoe

      Dave Lenoe

      Director of Secure Software Engineering at Adobe

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