Infosecurity Blogs

  1. $100 Million Bank Heist Brought to Light by “Fandation”

    Financial institutions in the Middle East are deeply concerned about their cyber-presence, as cyber-attacks have escalated over a period of very short time.

    1. Photo of Muhammad Suleman

      Muhammad Suleman

      Senior Information Security Consultant

  2. Why Healthcare must Adapt Information Security to Mobile

    In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, was enacted in order to combat the rise in healthcare-related security attacks - studies uncovered that 80% of executives at healthcare providers and insurers have been hit by a cyber-attack, while the healthcare industry in general is 200% more likely to suffer from an attack than other sectors.

    1. Photo of Omri Sigelman

      Omri Sigelman

      Co-founder and CMO of Nuro Secure Messaging

  3. Guess Who's Accessing Your Network?

    The relentless news of security breaches is merely proof that organizations are fighting a constant battle to keep their data safe from phishing, hacks and identity theft.

    1. Photo of Darren Gross

      Darren Gross

      Director EMEA

  4. The Dark Web – Is it All Bad?

    The internet as we know it today cannot easily be split into 'right and wrong' with history showing us just as many bad things happen on the standard net as on the Dark Web

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  5. Akamai takes on Distil Networks in bot control

    Bad bots are used for all sorts of activities including brute force login attempts, online ad fraud (creating false clicks), co-ordinating man-in-the-middle attacks, scanning for IT vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit and clustered as bot-nets to perpetrate denial of service attacks.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  6. How to Deal with the Blind Spots in Your Security Created by Encrypted Traffic

    The top five most common network traffic inspection errors made today.

    1. Photo of Robert Arandjelovic

      Robert Arandjelovic

      Director of Product Marketing, Americas, Symantec

  7. My First Eight Weeks in Infosecurity

    As I approach the end of my second month as the Deputy Editor at Infosecurity Magazine, I feel now is a good time to take a short breather and reflect on what the last several weeks have taught me about an industry that, two months ago, I knew very little about.

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  8. The Skills Gap, it's Cause and How to Close It

    A look at how the current skills gap is affecting the cybersecurity industry, why it exists and how to turn things around

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  9. The Three “M”s of a Successful Career in Information Security

    These “Three Ms of Success”, when implemented, will ensure success for your career in information security.

    1. Photo of David Cass

      David Cass

      CISO - IBM Cloud SaaS Operational Services, IBM MaaS360

  10. Transatlantic Data Security

    Trade agreements between the US and EU may level the playing field for the many businesses that trade on both sides of the Atlantic, but the EU will still have different rules regarding data protection

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  11. Bug Bounties - The Resolution to Software Flaws

    "We get more bug reports, which means we get more bug fixes, which means a better experience for our users."

  12. The Danger of Free SSL Certificates

    When Amazon ACM issues certificates, the corresponding private keys are stored in the cloud.

    1. Photo of Nick Hunter

      Nick Hunter

      Senior Technical Manager, Venafi

  13. Cybercrime 'Suspects': Who Are Companies Up Against?

    In ‘The Unusual Suspects’ Dr Adrian Nish discusses the six specific cybercriminal ‘suspects’ that companies are facing.

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  14. Support Scammers Targeting Dell Customers

    If Dell customer data is in the hands of support scammers, irrespective of how it was acquired, perhaps it's time for Dell to be more proactive in warning its customers?

    1. Photo of David Harley

      David Harley

      Retired Cybersecurity Expert

  15. Cyber Security in the Middle East

    Pakistan and the UAE is stepping up efforts to defend against cyber-crime

    1. Photo of Muhammad Suleman

      Muhammad Suleman

      Senior Information Security Consultant

  16. A Big Year Ahead for IoT

    New study reveals businesses have big plans for IoT in 2016, but highlights concerns over the security risks that come with it

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  17. Love Is in the Air, and So Are Security Threats

    It may be the most romantic day of the year but that hasn’t lessened any of the security risks for online shoppers and dating app users.

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  18. The ‘Human’ Side of Cybersecurity

    Arm your people with security knowledge, and you'll see the benefits.

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  19. Cyber Security Training and Certifications have Expanded Rapidly, Where Should you Focus?

    Cybersecurity training courses and certifications have exploded in popularity over the last five years.

  20. Error 53 is “for your own good" says Apple. Experts disagree

    The issue is being called the "Error 53" problem, and so far there's no fix.

    1. Photo of Steve Lord

      Steve Lord

      Co-founder of 44CON and technical director of Mandalorian

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