Infosecurity Blogs

  1. What Motivates Cyber-criminals and Who Are They Targeting?

    A peek into the world of cyber-criminals, what motivates them and who they are targeting.

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  2. Fear of the Unknown – How to Survive

    While the average employee might not understand something as sophisticated as software defined networking, they likely understand the function of the network and have a general understanding of the cloud.

    1. Photo of Kent Row

      Kent Row

      IT Admin, AKA Super Hero, SolarWinds

  3. Five Cybersecurity Questions Every Executive Should Ask

    Executives should regularly ask five questions of those responsible for cybersecurity concerning the level of cyber-risk their organization is carrying.

    1. Photo of Rob Sloan

      Rob Sloan

      Head of Cyber Content and Data, Dow Jones Risk and Compliance

  4. The Rise and Rise of Public Cloud Services

    Cloud enthusiastic digital natives are now gaining business management positions, whilst shadow IT is becoming an accepted norm. The choice IT departments face is no longer whether or not to adopt cloud-based services, but about the security that is put in place to support their use.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  5. Blue Coat, from Surf Control to Riding the Security Wave

    Over the last 20 years Blue Coat has grown from a niche player in the network performance to stand alongside the giants of IT security. This has mainly been achieved through a long series of acquisitions—more will likely follow.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  6. ‘Flipping the Economics of Attacks’ – A Report

    What does this new report teach us about cyber-criminals and how to stop them?

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  7. Accepting the Unknown Risk

    Host Unknown return from a musical hiatus to their CISSP video, to rap about risk acceptance.

  8. Bug Bounties and Crowdsourcing Security

    Are Bug Bounty programs effective at fixing vulnerabilities or simply crowdsourced security?

    1. Photo of Rob Sloan

      Rob Sloan

      Head of Cyber Content and Data, Dow Jones

  9. Review: 'The Power of Privacy'

    The Guardian and US-tech company Silent Circle release documentary exploring digital security.

    1. Photo of Michael Hill

      Michael Hill

      Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  10. Where There's a Will

    Inheriting IT hardware: when it comes to access software and services, legality and authentication can be complicated.

    1. Photo of David Harley

      David Harley

      Retired Cybersecurity Expert

  11. It Shouldn't Matter how Many USBs are Lost

    The proliferation of data loss stories in the media proves that the problem of human error, or indeed, human nature, isn't going anywhere.

    1. Photo of Norman Shaw

      Norman Shaw

      Founder and CEO of ExactTrak

  12. A Year in Vendor Patching: Does an Increase in Patches Mean we are More or Less Secure?

    Why was 2015 such an insecure year for vendors and why did cyber-threats see a marked increase?

    1. Photo of  Andrew Tang

      Andrew Tang

      Service Director, Security, MTI Technology

  13. Dunce Hat or Laptop of Doom? The Choice is Yours

    Should there be a dunce hat or slow laptop issued to those members of staff who make constant mistakes? Kent Row thinks so.

    1. Photo of Kent Row

      Kent Row

      IT Admin, AKA Super Hero, SolarWinds

  14. At Least 1 in 5 European Enterprises Loses Data Through Targeted Cyber Attacks

    Many European businesses now see targeted cyber-attacks as an inevitability that must be managed. New Quocirca research looks at the experiences of 600 European enterprises over the last 12 months and lists the worst 40 reported incidents.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  15. Neustar to Securely Guide Things

    Neustar, a supplier of real time online information services, is re-thinking its priorities as it has had to re-align its business in the USA. The growth of the internet of things should see its star rise in Europe and elsewhere.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  16. A Simpler Online Life: Trusted Use of Your Social Identity

    Using social identities to login to other services can make our online lives more convenient and secure. However, there must be choice, and backend identity management must evolve to support the concept.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  17. Containing the application security problem

    Containerisation is proving to be a popular and effective way of deploying apps, especially in a DevOps environment. This poses new security challenges, but also new security solutions.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  18. The IOT’s Journey from the Spy in the Cab to the Flat (Cow) Field

    Are IOT use cases totally at mercy of legislatures whose decisions, could be as far reaching as they are unpredictable?

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

  19. Better Late Than Never

    Even in this era of embracing technology, there is still a vast void between understanding the technology, and recognizing the implied significance imposed on any scene-of-crime.

    1. Photo of John  Walker

      John Walker

      Visiting Professor at the School of Science & Technology - Nottingham Trent University

  20. A Synchronized Approach to Network and Endpoint Threat Intel

    A synchronized security protection approach that takes a fresh view of how threat intel can be used

    1. Photo of Tara Seals

      Tara Seals

      US/North America News Reporter, Infosecurity Magazine

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