Infosecurity Blogs

  1. Terror Warning Messages Spread Malware

    The efforts target United Arab Emirates-based companies and employees, as well as Bahrain, Turkey and, more recently, Canada.

    1. Photo of Tara Seals

      Tara Seals

      US/North America News Reporter, Infosecurity Magazine

  2. Why the Legal Profession Needs to Think About Visual Privacy

    Increased focus on visual privacy is taking place across the board, but particularly in some professions, of which legal is a good example.

  3. Protection—From Inside Out

    Defending against hacks is very much a case of looking to both the inside and outside of organizations.

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

  4. Don’t Get Bitten: The Story of the Social RAT-in-the-Browser

    The next generation of Remote Access Trojans could make fraudsters more eager than ever to find new solutions that help penetrate user networks quickly and easily

    1. Photo of Oren Kedem

      Oren Kedem

      Vice President of Product Management, BioCatch

  5. Individual Privacy: The Latest Victim of Anonymous Hacks?

    Although Anonymous has galvanized a cult-like following into the age of 21st century civil disobedience, the internet has long been known to house a dungeon of unsupported information, and anonymity has occasionally added fuel to the fire.

    1. Photo of Jean-Loup Richet

      Jean-Loup Richet

      Research Fellow, ESSEC ISIS

  6. They Also Serve, Those That Keep Things Ticking Over

    Nice to haves in business are very much a thing of the past. But what about those items that are essential whose immediate value is not readily apparent.

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

  7. Countering the Terrorism Cyber-Threat

    With cyber terrorism in the spotlight, how are cyber-tactics being used as a means to aid and conduct terrorist activities and what is the distinction between use of the internet and offensive cyber-techniques?

    1. Photo of Tom Williams

      Tom Williams

      Head of Operations, Context Information Security

  8. Hacking Without Computers

    As organisations improve their network perimeter security, the human factor often presents the weakest link to protect information and assets.

    1. Photo of Owen  Wright

      Owen Wright

      Managing Director at Context, part of Accenture

  9. The Risk of ‘Visual Hacking’ in the Financial Services Industry

    As well as software-based systems, financial organisations are increasingly looking at the emerging threat vector of ‘visual hacking’, which is the risk around people being able to obtain information simply by glancing at a screen.

  10. A Day in the Life of an IT Pro: Bridging the Islands on the Company Continent

    In many companies, the business leadership team, the applications team and the infrastructure team are all different entities that can feel worlds apart. And their organizational goals and alignment can vary massively.

    1. Photo of Kent Row

      Kent Row

      IT Admin, AKA Super Hero, SolarWinds

  11. Happy Halloween - Putting the Genie Back Into the Bottle

    Those who maintain the required level of vigilance over the creep of technology may have either taken their eye of the ball for some considerable time

    1. Photo of John  Walker

      John Walker

      Visiting Professor at the School of Science & Technology - Nottingham Trent University

  12. Turn another Page on the Teenage Rampage

    Should we be reassessing what is indeed normal teenage behavior when it seems that breaking security systems seems to now pass for the norm

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

  13. Ponemon Institute study demonstrates the impact of visual hacking

    Visual hacking is explained and demonstrated, while possible solutions to the problem are presented.

  14. #TalkTalk: No White Flags, But Now Dido Needs to Act

    Can it really be that all it took to take-down a top telco was a techie teen?

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

  15. How to Fix the Internet of Broken Things

    One answer to security problems with the Internet of Things may be to change from the closed source approach with software to an open source and open security approach.

    1. Photo of Art  Swift

      Art Swift

      President, prpl Foundation

  16. The Security Challenges Threatening to Tear the Internet of Things Apart

    The Internet of Things has the power to transform our lives, but it’s also developing at such a rate that it threatens to outstrip our ability to adequately secure it.

    1. Photo of Art  Swift

      Art Swift

      President, prpl Foundation

  17. A Mission, Computers and Puzzles - What Could Be Better?

    We can’t start educating kids soon enough – a message that seems to be resonating beyond the walls of (ISC)² into the Halls of Congress, the academic community and corporate America.

  18. The Titan Pain of Dim Sum

    With the changing face of war, allowing other countries to operate potential attack facilities in one's own country is a major risk.

    1. Photo of John  Walker

      John Walker

      Visiting Professor at the School of Science & Technology - Nottingham Trent University

  19. Sound and Vision As Infosecurity Makes It Big On the Small Screen

    New cyber-crime drams breaks the fourth wall, dragging security out of its techie niche and into living rooms and most importantly boardrooms

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

  20. Money’s Too Tight to Mention: Not for Infosecurity

    2015 will go down as the year when the security industry showed that the investment community was more than willing to put its money where its mouth was.

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

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