Infosecurity Blogs

  1. Sheep vs Cyber-Insurance

    Cyber-insurance can offer an additional level of protection to your organisation but can it give the desired level of protection?

    1. Photo of John  Walker

      John Walker

      Visiting Professor at the School of Science & Technology - Nottingham Trent University

  2. Infosecurity: Zip Up and Lose the Fear

    How are professionals implementing security architectures? How is how peopple working affecting efficacy of these systems?

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

  3. Visual Hacking: The Eyes Have It

    Strangers on a train, shoulder surfing, and laptop privacy filters.

    1. Photo of David Harley

      David Harley

      Retired Cybersecurity Expert

  4. Your Not-So-Typical Cybersecurity Awareness Tips

    For those of us in the cybersecurity profession, the term “awareness” should not stop at educating users. As leaders in our field, the term must invoke a determination to address a workforce in crisis.

  5. Experian: It’s Our Data So We Must Demand MORE

    The Experian breach shows how our data and our lives are exposed to hackers, cyber criminals, state sponsored activities, and even authorized agencies.

    1. Photo of John  Walker

      John Walker

      Visiting Professor at the School of Science & Technology - Nottingham Trent University

  6. The Public Sector and Visual Privacy

    The public sector is arguably one of the market sectors that most closely appreciates the need for visual privacy as part of overall security strategies and is acting accordingly.

  7. The Rise of the Mobile Worker Increases the Risk of Visual Hacking

    The rise in mobile working and the ability to view other people’s screens is potentially a criminal’s dream. There’s no need for computer hacking expertise; instead, discreetly point a smartphone at a screen and click away or simply memorize what can be seen

  8. Only Consultant Surgeons Need Apply

    When it comes to securing the enterprise, your firm may pay close attention to obvious infrastructure security assets along with delivering against governance and compliance regimes. Yet it may be that your organisation can be both insecure and compliant at the same time

    1. Photo of John  Walker

      John Walker

      Visiting Professor at the School of Science & Technology - Nottingham Trent University

  9. Visual Hacking Exposed – Results of the 3M Visual Hacking Experiment

    The results of a ground-breaking study carried out by the Ponemon Institute, in association with 3M, for the first time puts some context around the very real ‘visual hacking’ risk

  10. Isn’t It Time to Prioritize Visual Security?

    As we all start to work more in open plan areas, or carry out work on trains, planes or in coffee shops, the opportunities for ‘visual hacking’ increase.

  11. Defense Support to Commercial Nation State Intrusions

    With immense capacity and advanced technical capabilities, the military is well prepped to support the commercial sector handling complex nation state intrusions

    1. Photo of Robert S. Johnston

      Robert S. Johnston

      Captain, USMC & Team Lead, 81 National Cyber Protection Team

  12. Spelling Bee (Input from the Hive Mind)

    For a researcher, curiosity is usually an advantage: in fact, it’s probably a survival characteristic. However, it’s sometimes a curse

    1. Photo of David Harley

      David Harley

      Retired Cybersecurity Expert

  13. Keeping It Classy When It Comes To Data Security

    The subject of classifying data has been propelled into the public domain out of the acts of one lady candidate who is running for office in the US - and I believe her actions open up a much wider debate on the techy subject of classifying data.

    1. Photo of John  Walker

      John Walker

      Visiting Professor at the School of Science & Technology - Nottingham Trent University

  14. The Fly in Google’s Alphabet Soup

    Good alphabet soup, like a Scrabble board, has 26 letters just like the English alphabet. We use them to form words, sentences, thoughts, and ideas. But Google’s Alphabet is a murkier recipe – it is a parent holding company – for a behemoth data collection endeavor

    1. Photo of Mark Weinstein

      Mark Weinstein


  15. Five Challenges Facing Security Startups

    Not every security startup makes its founders multi-millionaires. For every billion-dollar success story, thousands of companies will develop security products you will never hear about, let alone buy

    1. Photo of Rob Sloan

      Rob Sloan

      Head of Cyber Content and Data, Dow Jones

  16. Cyber Threat Intelligence – No Longer Just a Nice To Have

    Information Leakage is possibly one of the most common, and misunderstood security risks faced today, and potentially one which impacts organizations every single day. When linked to electronic distance information gathering, it can, and does pose significant security risks to any business, or government agencies alike.

    1. Photo of John  Walker

      John Walker

      Visiting Professor at the School of Science & Technology - Nottingham Trent University

  17. Network Security: Securing the Ever-Expanding Boundary

    Organizations of all sizes need to ensure they are fully prepared to deal with ever-emerging challenges by equipping themselves to better deal with attacks on their business as well as their reputation

    1. Photo of Steve Durbin

      Steve Durbin

      CEO, Information Security Forum

  18. The rise of digital natives and their enthusiasm for cloud services

    As digital natives enter management positions and shadow IT deployments become an accepted norm, the choice is no longer whether or not to adopt cloud-based services, but about the security measures that are put in place to support their use.

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  19. Back in Black In Las Vegas

    Black Hat hacking automotive Las Vegas mobile Android Stagefright

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

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