Infosecurity Blogs

  1. Cybersecurity in the Modern Age – Get with the 2020 Program

    If we have come so far down the matured route toward infosecurity, just how have we arrived at the current situation?

    1. Photo of John  Walker

      John Walker

      Visiting Professor at the School of Science & Technology - Nottingham Trent University

  2. Confidence in Data Security Part 2 – Weak Links

    All organizations are dependent on information supply chains; these improve customer communications and business processes. However, to exploit information supply chains to the full requires confidence in data security

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  3. A Day in the Life of an IT Pro: The Unsuspected Inside Man

    The principles behind social media can be used to increase organizational security

    1. Photo of Kent Row

      Kent Row

      IT Admin, AKA Super Hero, SolarWinds

  4. Securing the Internet of Things – Time for Another Look at Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)?

    The increasing use of the Internet of Things (IoT) to support a wide range of business processes has huge potential value for businesses; however, it also opens up a new security front. Authenticating things every time they communicate helps mitigate the threat and this has led to renewed interest in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  5. Confidence in Data Security Part 1 – Room for Improvement

    Improving user knowledge, deploying advanced technology and co-ordinating incident response and policy all make a big difference in the level of confidence organisations have about data security

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  6. Data-First or Employee-First?

    One only has to look at the imbroglio that surrounds a breach like Target to see that we are in a new era

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  7. Don't Worry About The Government: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes

    The phrase ‘just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you’ has become something of a hoary old cliché. But for UK MPs, the phrase has a very contemporary and relevant meaning

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

  8. Closing the Net on Attackers

    It’s become a consistent adage in security that defense no longer stops at the perimeter. There is so much more to consider in a modern ‘defense in depth’ security posture

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  9. In Every Dream Home a Security Heartache

    What more can you say about the connected home environment? Well when it comes to security, quite a bit really

    1. Photo of Joe O'Halloran

      Joe O'Halloran

      Editor In Chief, Rapid TV News

  10. The Pitfalls of Password Strength Meters

    Can you rely on algorithms and strength meters to confirm the strength of your passwords?

    1. Photo of David Harley

      David Harley

      Retired Cybersecurity Expert

  11. Acumin: Salaries Rising Across the Security Sector

    Acumin’s annual Salary Index for the UK information security industry collates salary data on a breadth of job functions and professions, based on engagements of live roles from the last 12 months

    1. Photo of Ryan Farmer

      Ryan Farmer

      Manager, Candidate Development, Acumin Consulting

  12. Returning to Bletchley Park

    Peter Berlich pays a visit to the National Museum of Computing

    1. Photo of Peter  Berlich

      Peter Berlich

      Management Consultant, Birchtree Consulting

  13. Securing Joined-up Government: the UK’s Public Service Network (PSN)

    UK government organizations, and those that have a need to interact with them, can apply to join the UK Public Service Network (PSN). However, to do so they must be able to ensure and prove their use of the PSN is compliant. Network access control (NAC) technology helps achieve this goal

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  14. When Good Code Goes Bad

    A June 2015 analysis of over 100,000 software development organizations reveals average downloads of known vulnerable software components exceeds 15,000 annually

    1. Photo of Derek E. Weeks

      Derek E. Weeks

      VP and DevOps Advocate, Sonatype

  15. A Passion for Online Safety, Part 4

    In the fourth and final part of Peter Berlich’s series on (ISC)2’s Safe and Secure Online program, he interviews the scheme’s founder

    1. Photo of Peter  Berlich

      Peter Berlich

      Management Consultant, Birchtree Consulting

  16. 3 Qualities of Effective IT Security Managers

    The role of the IT security manager is getting ever-more complex. Increasingly relied on by the business to safeguard valuable assets while enabling digital innovation and flexible working practices, it's fair to say that information security is now more mission-critical than ever. So how can IT security managers rise to the new challenges they face?

    1. Photo of Liam Harcourt

      Liam Harcourt

      Technical Consultant, IRM

  17. Mobile Payment, Your Time has Come

    2015 will be the year when the floodgates open on contactless mobile payments

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  18. Lifting the Fog of Ignorance in IT Security

    Effective operational intelligence improves insight into increasingly complex IT infrastructure and the way it is used to transact with customers. This reduces the concern IT managers have in many areas, with the exception of IT security where deeper insight causes alarm

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

  19. A Passion For Online Safety, Part 3

    In Parts 1 & 2 Peter Berlich gave an overview of the (ISC)2 Safe and Secure Online program and interviewed director Julie Peeler. Here he profiles the volunteer’s role

    1. Photo of Peter  Berlich

      Peter Berlich

      Management Consultant, Birchtree Consulting

  20. Is Your Identity and Access Management Fit for Purpose?

    European organizations are struggling to adapt legacy identity and access management (IAM) systems for integrating external users. Many are turning to IAM-as-a-service to supplement in-house systems

    1. Photo of Bob Tarzey

      Bob Tarzey

      Analyst and Director, Quocirca

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