Supercharging the Cyber-Arms Race: How Quantum Computing Could Reshape Security
A quantum future is closer than we think, but what are the implications for national and corporate security?
Google's FLoC: Privacy Gone Amok?
Google's cookie replacement, FLoC, is coming under heavy criticism from privacy experts. So what is the new browser tracking technology, what's the problem with it and when will it arrive?
The Rise of DDoS
Infosecurity explores the current DDoS threat backdrop and outlines where and how attackers are evolving their techniques
Profile Interview: Robert Hannigan
Former Director of GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, has navigated a somewhat unexpected cybersecurity career through government and now private sector. He talks to James Coker about his days advising the Prime Minister and his passion for increasing diversity in the industry.
CNI: The Growing Threat
CNI systems are some of the most crucial to our everyday lives. However, they also continually prove to be particularly open to attack from a variety of threat actors, Infosecurity discovers...
Defining Cyber-Resiliency in the Modern World
Cyber-resiliency is a pertinent term, but what does it mean for organizations to be cyber-resilient in the post-COVID new dawn?
Securing the Return to Office Post-COVID
With many organizations preparing to open their doors for the first time in more than a year, Infosecurity looks at the potential security risks posed by staff returning to the office environment.
How to Create a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion in Security
Three security experts discuss what security teams can do to improve diversity in your organization.
Ransomware: To Pay or Not To Pay?
Brian Honan argues that it is always wrong to pay a ransom demand, while Adam Darrah believes sometimes, organizations simply have no choice but to pay.