Infosecurity Interviews

  1. Interview: John McAfee

    Suited, booted and back on the speaking circuit, John McAfee is a man with a bone to pick. Mike Hine lights the fuses at Infosecurity Europe

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  2. Interview: Richard Starnes, CISO, Kentucky Health Cooperative

    Mike Hine meets a CISO with both healthcare and law enforcement experience

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  3. Interview: Raj Samani, Intel Security VP & CTO EMEA

    CTO. Author. Europol advisor. Information security enthusiast. Husband. Father. And not in that order. Eleanor Dallaway talks to Intel Security VP & CTO EMEA, Raj Samani, a man so passionate about his industry that he manages to turn a weekend at Legoland into an infosec lesson for some of the park’s young visitors

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  4. Interview: Marc Maiffret

    Mike Hine meets a hacker turned entrepreneur who has done it all in security

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  5. Interview: Rapid7’s Jen Ellis and Tod Beardsley

    Mike Hine meets two infosec advocates working at the collaborative frontier of the security industry

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  6. Interview: Kevin Hickey, President & CEO, BeyondTrust

    Kevin Hickey is the president and CEO of BeyondTrust. He’s also one of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet. Sat against a backdrop of the beautiful mountainous desert, in his office in Phoenix, Arizona, Hickey told Eleanor Dallaway what the key to retaining good infosec people is, and why, despite his reputation for M&A, BeyondTrust is different…

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  7. #MWC15: Interview with Andy Davis, NCC Group Research Director

    Exhibiting at Mobile World Congress, NCC Group research director Andy Davis tells me, is a bit like “being a needle in a haystack.” But there are a few things that can make you stand out. Having a drone on stand is one – despite the declaration by MWC’s organizers that this year’s event is a no-fly zone. But are drones just crowd pleasing gimmicks, or is there a message in here somewhere?

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  8. Interview: Neil Campbell, Security Group General Manager, Dimension Data

    With a background in the Australian Federal Police, Neil Campbell has seen the evolution of cybercrime from its origins to the present day. Now at Dimension Data, he brings his experience to his role of providing security solutions and operations for a range of organizations. Mike Hine met him in London to find out more

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  9. Interview: Mav Turner, Director of Business Strategy, SolarWinds

    Austin is well known as a hub for technology and innovation – and SolarWinds is one Texan company making a stir among the security landscape, as Mike Hine discovered when he met Mav Turner

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  10. Interview: W. Hord Tipton, Former Executive Director, (ISC)2

    W. Hord Tipton, cybersecurity elder statesman, tells Tara Seals about the value of experience, how government attitudes towards security have changed and how the next generation of the cyber-workforce can prepare for the complex challenges ahead

    1. Photo of Tara Seals

      Tara Seals

      US/North America News Reporter, Infosecurity Magazine

  11. Interview: Rohyt Belani, CEO PhishMe

    With nearly 15 years in the industry, Rohyt Belani is now firmly in “geek in suit” territory, having co-founded PhishMe in 2008. He told Mike Hine about the changing face of cybersecurity, the persistent threat of spear-phishing, and the importance of hands-on training

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  12. Cyber-Security SANS Frontières: An Interview with Lance Spitzner

    The SANS Institute is at the cutting-edge of the war on the cyber-security skills gap – and Lance Spitzner, certified instructor at SANS, has plenty of insight on the subject. Mike Hine went to meet him during a recent stop-off in London

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  13. Q&A: TK Keanini, CTO Lancope

    Straight out of Austin, Texas, TK Keanini landed in London recently for a whistle-stop stay. Mike Hine caught up with him to get some security insight from the front line

    1. Photo of Mike Hine

      Mike Hine

      Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

  14. Interview: Richard Turner, VP EMEA, FireEye

    The last time I met with Richard Turner, he was sitting in the CEO chair at Clearswift. Years later, and having had a whistle-stop tour at Proofpoint, I caught up with him at the FireEye London HQ in Bank, where he recently took the role of VP EMEA

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  15. Interview: Eric Cole

    Have you ever met a man with two full-time jobs? If not, you’ve obviously never encountered Eric Cole: security consultant; SANS curriculum lead; father; virtual CSO; and new Infosecurity Europe Hall of Fame inductee.

    1. Photo of Phil Muncaster

      Phil Muncaster

      UK / EMEA News Reporter, Infosecurity Magazine

  16. Interview: Hord Tipton, Executive Director, (ISC)2

    At this year’s (ISC)2 Congress in Atlanta, Georgia, I caught up with Hord Tipton to talk certification updates, misspent security dollars, and where the White House is going so wrong

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  17. Interview: Brendon Lynch

    Being the chief privacy officer for the world’s largest software company is no small task, especially in light of lingering PRISM accusations and the growing importance of data in an increasingly connected world. Eleanor Dallaway meets Microsoft's Brendon Lynch…

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  18. Interview: Wim Remes, Chairman, (ISC)2 Board of Directors

    Nine months into his one-year tenure as chairman of the (ISC)2 board of directors, Wim Remes talks to Eleanor Dallaway about his objectives, achievements and regrets as chair of board, and explains why he considers himself an under-dog...

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  19. Interview: Marene Allison, CISO, Johnson & Johnson

    Marene Allison is chief information security officer at Johnson & Johnson. At the (ISC)2 Congress in Atlanta, Eleanor Dallaway sat down to talk healthcare information security risks, the perils of electronic data storage, and why physical and information security have never quite married…

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  20. Interview with David Cass

    In San Francisco, Elsevier's David Cass met Eleanor Dallaway to talk privacy, compliance, and what it takes to be a successful CISO in 2014…

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

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