Infosecurity Interviews

  1. Cyber-espionage is the “New Normal”: One on One with Mandiant’s Kevin Mandia

    Mandiant’s chief executive and founder says that responding to data breaches is the best, most exciting job in all of IT security, and that you can blame China for supporting cyber-espionage when evidence supports the claim

  2. Reassessing the Value of PCI in the Target Breach Aftermath

    Tim Lansdale is the head of payment security at WorldPay. In the aftermath of the Target data breach, Eleanor Dallaway met him over a coffee to talk about the value of PCI and the online payment threat landscape

  3. Interview: Rik Ferguson

    At this winter's RSA Conference in San Francisco, Eleanor Dallaway interviewed an information security researcher, a rock star, a father of three, a graduate of French, and a man whose lifetime ambition is to sell pottery in the Dordogne. Of course, these all describe one person. Infosecurity presents Rik Ferguson…

  4. When Eleanor (Finally) Met Jack Daniel

    I'd wanted to interview the great Jack Daniel for years, but until Infosecurity Europe 2014, the opportunity had never presented itself.

  5. Q&A: Security Through Storytelling

    The Analogies Project is a not-for-profit created to improve communications in information security. Founder, Bruce Hallas, tells Eleanor Dallaway why storytelling is key to Board buy-in

  6. Infosecurity Interviews (ISC)2’s New MD EMEA, Adrian Davis

    Over lunch on the South Bank, Infosecurity Editor Eleanor Dallaway spoke to (ISC)2’s new MD EMEA, Adrian Davis, about his plans for ensuring that (ISC)2 EMEA is hot on the heels of its larger counterpart, (ISC)2 US…

  7. A No Bullshit Look at the Infosec Industry: An Interview with BeyondTrust’s CTO

    Sat in the BeyondTrust glass cube meeting room on the RSA Conference show floor in San Francisco, Marc Maiffret, CTO of BeyondTrust, shares his thoughts on the information security market with me in the only way he knows how – sans “bullshit”.

  8. Interview: Brian Honan

    Brian Honan is a man who wears many hats, but all of them are white. Eleanor Dallaway travels to Dublin to spend an afternoon with one of the information security industry’s favorite treasures

  9. RSA Conference 2014 Q&A: Jim Reavis, CEO, Cloud Security Alliance

    Drew Amorosi sits down with Jim Reavis, co-founder and CEO of the non-profit Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), on day two of the RSA Conference in San Francisco, as the two discuss the growth of cloud services, its security issues, and the CSA’s Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) initiative

  10. Q&A: Phil Cracknell, consultant, Company85

    Providing no shortage of unfiltered opinions, Drew Amorosi sat down with Phil Cracknell at the recent Infosecurity Europe 2014 press conference. The newly appointed head of security and privacy with IT consultancy Company85 provides his assessment of BYOD’s myths and the Edward Snowden effect, among others

  11. Q&A: Stewart Room, Data protection, privacy & information security lawyer at Field Fisher Waterhouse

    At the Infosecurity Europe press conference 2014, Eleanor Dallaway spoke to Field Fisher Waterhouse’s Stewart Room – also director of the Cyber Security Challenge UK – about how Snowden has literally saved lives, and why he believes data breach disclosure currently resembles a “sausage machine”…

  12. Interview: Peter Denning

    When Egypt’s great library in Alexandria was destroyed, with it went centuries of scientific and cultural knowledge. In much the same fashion, as the PC era dawned, lost were the fundamental security principles accumulated by computing’s innovators. Drew Amorosi recaps his history lesson as provided by Peter Denning

  13. Interview: Mark Weatherford and Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure

    With NIST recently unveiling its ‘Preliminary Cybersecurity Framework’ for critical infrastructure, Drew Amorosi reaches into the vault before his live interview with The Chertoff Group’s Mark Weatherford during today’s Infosecurity Virtual Conference

  14. Interview: Javvad Malik and the Power of Social Media for Security Professionals

    Drew Amorosi recently caught up with Javvad Malik, senior security analyst with 451 Research, and an emerging supernova within the information security universe

  15. Sean Bodmer: A Tale of Two Hats

    Sean Bodmer is the chief researcher of counter exploitation at CounterTack. He’s also a former underground hacker. At Hacker Halted in Atlanta, Bodmer spoke to Infosecurity Magazine about why he traded his black hat for a lighter one, and why white hats will always be at a disadvantage.

  16. Lay Your Chips Down: An Infosec Venture Capital Roundup

    Is the information security industry a wise gamble for venture capitalists? Stephen Pritchard gets the insider’s view on what investors are looking for

  17. Interview: Microsoft's Scott Charney

    Scott Charney tells Eleanor Dallaway why he is so proud to work for Microsoft, how he went from prosecutor to infosec professional, and why the role of US ‘cyber czar’ was not for him…

  18. Interview: Dorothy Denning

    In her heart a true academic, Drew Amorosi tracks down Dorothy Denning – renowned information security researcher and trainer of today’s cyber warriors

  19. Interview: HD Moore, Chief Security Officer at Rapid7, Chief Architect And Creator of Metasploit

    HD Moore talks to Infosecurity Magazine about today’s IT security landscape and how his hobby, penetration testing solution Metasploit, attracted the attention of vulnerability management and penetration testing solutions provider Rapid7.

  20. Interview: Larry Ponemon

    Dr. Larry Ponemon is the chairman and founder of the Ponemon Institute, and one of the nicest people you may ever meet. Here’s what happened when Eleanor Dallaway met the King of Privacy himself…

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

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