Infosecurity Interviews

  1. Interview: Christopher Buse, CISO, State of Minnesota

    Serving the public, and the people of Minnesota, has been a life-long passion for Christopher Buse. Drew Amorosi discovers why this CISO finds the challenge so rewarding…

  2. Interview: News International’s Amar Singh

    Amar Singh, CISO at News International, met Eleanor Dallaway in Miami, Florida, and explained how to handle a data breach, how to win buy-in from the board, and why CISOs need more respect…

  3. Interview: Paul Judge of Barracuda Networks

    Paul Judge is a contradiction. Juxtaposing the words geek and cool, and the words laid-back and workaholic, seemingly creates an unlikely, inaccurate personality, but having spent a decent amount of time with Mr Judge, Eleanor Dallaway is confident and committed to these adjectives

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  4. A Q&A with Ashar Aziz, Founder, CEO & CTO, FireEye

    Whilst in the Silicon Valley in July 2012, Infosecurity editor Eleanor Dallaway met FireEye’s very intelligent and articulate founder and CEO, Ashar Aziz, at FireEye HQ.

  5. Interview: Royal Holloway's Fred Piper

    Often referred to as ‘the grandfather of information security’, this Professor needs no introduction. Here’s what happened when Eleanor Dallaway met Fred Piper…

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  6. Interview: ISF's Michael de Crespigny

    From chartered accountant to CEO of the ISF, Michael de Crespigny has spent his career assessing risk. Here, he tells Eleanor Dallaway why his career has been left to chance, why the information security industry is going through its adolescence and how Howard Schmidt’s were big shoes to fill

  7. Interview: Boris Goncharov, G4S

    Q&A with Boris Goncharov, CISO, G4S, and keynote speaker at Infosecurity Europe 2012

  8. Interview: Matt Palmer, Skipton Building Society

    Q&A with Matt Palmer, group information security officer, Skipton Building Society, and a keynote speaker at Infosecurity Europe 2012

  9. Interview: Mark Adams-Wright, Suffolk County Council

    Q&A with Mark Adams-Wright, CISO, Suffolk County Council, and keynote speaker at Infosecurity Europe 2012

  10. Interview: Graham McKay, DC Thomson

    Q&A with Graham McKay, CISO, DC Thomson & Co. Ltd., and keynote speaker at Infosecurity Europe 2012

  11. Interview: Tracy Andrew, Field Fisher Waterhouse

    Q&A with Tracy Andrew, information security & compliance officer, Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP, and keynote speaker at Infosecurity Europe 2012

  12. Interview: Microsoft's Steve Lipner

    Microsoft still gets mixed reviews from the information security community. Steve Lipner, however, does not. Eleanor Dallaway met Lipner at the recent RSA Conference in San Francisco and discovered that actually, he may just be one of the best things to have happened to the software giant

  13. Interview: EA's Spencer Mott

    From London’s Metropolitan Police to VP and CISO at Electronic Arts, Spencer Mott has had a colorful career with little end in sight. Here, he talks to Eleanor Dallaway about what the information security industry is up against, how the Sony breach impacted the whole industry, and how EA suffered a breach of its own in 2011

  14. Interview: Hord Tipton of (ISC)²

    Within only a minute of sitting down with Hord Tipton, executive director of (ISC)², our own Eleanor Dallaway knew that the hour she had booked with him would not be adequate. You see, it’s impossible to capture the true essence of a man with a career that many can only dream of in 60 minutes. While they may have been short for time, Tipton certainly wasn’t short on stories

    1. Photo of Eleanor Dallaway

      Eleanor Dallaway

      Former Editorial Director & Tech Journalist

  15. Interview: Unisys' Patricia Titus

    The road from Minnesota to Washington has many stops, especially when you take the scenic route. Drew Amorosi recently met Patricia Titus of Unisys to regale in her remarkable journey

  16. Interview: AT&T's Edward Amoroso

    AT&T’s Ed Amoroso writes books, lectures, is a college professor, and plays the guitar – all in his spare time. Drew Amorosi recently spoke with the telecom’s chief security officer to find out what he does for a daytime encore

  17. Interview: Barclaycard's Neira Jones

    It has taken Neira Jones only three years to earn herself a reputation in the information security industry to be proud of. Eleanor Dallaway met the Barclaycard security expert to find out how she did it…

  18. Interview: Check Point's Gil Shwed

    For a man whose company turned over one billion dollars last year, Gil Shwed is remarkably quiet and unassuming. At the Check Point Experience in Barcelona, Eleanor Dallaway spent an hour with Mr Shwed – one of the industry’s most successful entrepreneurs – and this is what she learned...

  19. Interview: BT's Bruce Schneier

    BT’s Bruce Schneier has made a reputation for himself by exploring the unconventional sides of security. Drew Amorosi sat down with this industry luminary to gain a greater understanding of the man and, briefly, dive into the mind and life that is Bruce Schneier…

  20. Interview: Philip Lieberman, CEO and founder of Lieberman Software

    Infosecurity’s Drew Amorosi caught up with Phil Lieberman at last month’s Infosecurity Europe show in London to discuss how security – and his company – have changed over the last decade plus, and the challenges facing the market going forward

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