BitTorrent links with BitDefender for integrated IT app security

The move follows the recent launch of BitTorrent's new App Studio facility, which adds apps – Android/iPhone-style – to software that uses the BitTorrent protocol.

Although the BitTorrent protocol has been contentiously associated with movie and music file-sharing, the technology is increasingly being used to distribute independent movies and license-free TV programs, most notably the new independent Star Trek TV series, 'Star Trek – New Voyages', Infosecurity notes.

According to BitDefender, it has licensed its Virus Guard app for use with the BitTorrent protocol, which was developed by BitTorrent, a company that Bram Cohen and Ashwin Navin founded back in 2004.

BitDefender say that the Virus Guard application, which is now available to millions of BitTorrent users, provides peace of mind as they explore open license movies, music, games and apps.

In use, Virus Guard is billed as operating as a standalone security app that has been seamlessly incorporated into the BitTorrent and uTorrent clients to scan downloads once they are completed.

If malware is detected, the app flags up the offending torrent and prompts users to sign up for a free trial of BitDefender's security suite and remove the threat – or, says the company, users can rescan their computer system using their existing anti-virus solution.

Claude Tolbert, BitDefender's vice president, said that security is a high priority for BitTorrent and our community.

"In early releases, the Virus Guard app has been overwhelmingly popular. Moreover, working with BitDefender means being part of a strong partnering culture, so we looked forward to implementing an anti-malware solution to keep BitTorrent users safe", he said.

Peter Laakkonen, BitDefender's general manager of OEM/technology licensing, said that the BitTorrent is a powerful and increasingly popular way for users to exchange content they value.

"Its increasing popularity has made third-party hosting sites a target for malware authors to try to infect users' systems. By partnering with BitTorrent, we're able to protect users proactively from malware and other e-threats before they are able to infect users' computers", he said.

"We're excited to be part of BitTorrent's new App Studio and contribute to an even better user experience by providing a safe computing environment for all users", he added.

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