Conficker methodology appears in updated Neeris worm

Even though version D of the Conficker worm failed to cause havoc - as was widely predicted - on April 1, the worm's methodology continues to cause problems in the shape of an updated version of the Neeris worm.

According to Microsoft, the Neeris worm - which dates back to 2005 - has been updated to exploit the same vulnerability which is being targeted by the assorted variants of Conficker now doing the rounds.

In a blog entry, Microsoft's Malware Protection Centre says that the new variant of Neeris spiked on March 31/April 1.

"However it was not downloaded by any Conficker variant and there is no evidence that it is related to Conficker.D April 1 domain algorithm activation," says the blog entry.

Microsoft has named the new version of the worm as Win32/Neeris.gen!C.

The most interesting aspect of the new version of Neeris is that Conficker malware methodology has been re-exploited in the new version, suggesting that the hackers behind Conficker may be using a worm creation kit, rather than coding from scratch.!C

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