Data loss concerns over online dating

CPP research reveals that 17% of UK adults have joined online dating sites – a popular target for fraudsters to locate personal details. Figures also showed that one in five adults would give away bank details within the first six months of dating someone.

CPP Fraud Expert, Sarah Blaney said; “All fraudsters need is a name, address and date of birth in order to steal your identity. If they do this they can apply for credit in your name and accumulate large bills.”

According to the CPP, online fraud is on the increase and thirty-five percent of all fraudulent activity is carried out online. Blaney said, “Fraudsters are continually looking for increasingly sophisticated methods to gain our personal details and online fraud is one area that is growing considerably. An estimated £2.61bn was stolen online from UK consumers last year. CPP is urging all consumers to be alert to the dangers posed by fraudsters.”

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