Data loss in the perimeterless zone

This is the question Infosecurity plans to answer in a PGP-sponsored webinar on Tuesday at 3pm UK time, when we'll have a team of experts on hand to present on the subject, as well as answer any questions attendees might have.

Fran Howarth, a senior security analyst with Bloor Research will be on hand to talk about how encryption can solve a lot of problems surrounding the increasingly blurred network perimeter.

Tim Matthews, a senior director with PGP Corporation, meanwhile, will be looking at the increasing consumerisation of IT in the enterprise and how some of the data breaches that have occurred in recent times could have been avoided.

Join us for an informative, educational and entertaining webinar in which we'll be looking at some highly topical security issues that affect IT managers in all sizes of organisations.

Register here for `Preventing data loss in the perimeterless IT environment'.

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