Decommissioned PCs live on

According to the research - which was carried out by Vanson Bourne and took in 100 IT decision makers across the UK – 39% of the UK's largest companies do not data wipe all their unwanted PCs and 57% cannot account for all their redundant PCs

Researchers found that, although data security is the primary concern (68%) when decommissioning IT equipment, only 61% of companies currently data wipe all of their redundant computers.

The charity says that ensuring that all data is removed from hard drives is essential. By not doing so, companies could fail to comply with the Data Protection Act leaving customers open to fraud and also put their intellectual property at risk.

Only 43% of senior IT decision makers said they were able to account for all their decommissioned PCs. An estimated 75% of e-waste generated in the EU- equivalent to eight million tonnes a year - is unaccounted for - either sent to landfill, sub-standard treatment facilities or illegally exported, notes the charity.

In view of its findings, the charity says that UK companies must improve accountability for where their unwanted IT goes, if they are to avoid the legal ramifications and reputational damage that irresponsible disposal practices can bring.

Anja Ffrench, Computer Aid's director of communications, said that the research shows that current IT decommissioning practices in many companies seem to be resulting in every IT manager’s worst nightmare.

“Hundreds of thousands of redundant PCs containing sensitive corporate data are completely unaccounted for. By not disposing of their IT properly, companies risk huge financial, legal and reputational costs and can cause severe damage to people and the environment”, she explained.

According to Ffrench, improving IT decommissioning procedures within companies is essential, as every IT manager must ensure that all their company's unwanted equipment is data wiped to CESG approved standards and that they receive fully documented waste streams from their IT disposal service providers.

“These are essential steps in the decommissioning process and companies cannot afford the risks associated with not taking them”, she said.

To assist IT professionals in this regard, the charity has released a free guide for IT professionals that it says will help them implement best practice IT disposal.

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