Defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton comes clean on hack

“Booz Allen Hamilton has confirmed today that the posting of certain data files on the Internet yesterday was the result of an illegal attack. We are conducting a full review of the nature and extent of the attack. At this time, we do not believe that the attack extended beyond data pertaining to a learning management system for a government agency”, the company said in a July 12 statement.

On Monday, the defense contractor had said that it generally does not comment on “specific threats or actions taken against our systems.” But on Tuesday, the company changed its tune.

“Given the publicity about this event, we believe it is important to set out our preliminary understanding of the facts. We are communicating with our clients and analyzing the nature of this attack and the data files affected. We maintain our commitment to protect our clients and our firm from illegal thefts of information”, the company said.

Booz Allen Hamilton did not provide further details on the data breach.

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