For $1,000, new portal allows rumours to be quashed

According to the New York Times, Sir David Tang is the founder of the site. Sir David, who is a well-known Chinese businessman, is quoted as saying that the internet superhighway is jampacked with stops where at every place you will have mud thrown at you.

"Can you afford to have it all stick and not try to clean it up?," he told the newspaper.

According to the NYT, actor Stephen Fry has used iCorrect to rebut a report that he dislikes Catholics, whilst "Cherie Blair, wife of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, did not appear at a party wearing the same dress as the actress Hayden Panettiere; did not go shooting with Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi's son; and never declared that a burqa 'is no more a threat than a nun's habit'."

iCorrect reportedly went live last month and has 35 founding members – 'correctors' says the NYT, which quotes Sir David as saying that, after Stephen Fry tweeted about the site, the portal received around 225,000 hits.

"It’s minimally designed to make sure that even the most stupid person can work it and understand it", he told the paper.

The iCorrect portal does make for a bit of interesting reading, however, as iCorrector and well-known actor Sir Michael Caine says that, for 40 years he has been associated with the words "not many people know that."

"I have never said Not Many People Know That", says Sir Michael in his posting.

"Peter Sellers said it when he impersonated my voice on his telephone answering machine. His impersonation was 'This is Michael Caine, Peter Sellers is out. Not many people know that.' He also repeated this on the Michael Parkinson show. I do not mind something clever being attributed to me, but I do mind something stupid that I did not say or do", he added.

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