Free Android anti-virus products "virtually useless", says report

Perhaps you get what you pay for when it comes to Android AV apps?
Perhaps you get what you pay for when it comes to Android AV apps?

The damning report – which will come as a shock to most users of the Google Android smartphone and tablet computing platform – says that, as mobile technologies grow more and more advanced, so too does the need to protect and secure them.

With phones providing potential access points to sensitive emails, text messages and other content, it is inadvisable to leave them unsecured, said the report, but even with one of the many free security apps on the Android Market, you are still open to having your system compromised.

After analyzing a raft of apps – including Antivirus Free, BluePoint Antivirus Free, GuardX Antivirus, Kinetoo Malware Scan, LabMSF Antivirus beta, Privateer Lite and Zoner AntiVirus Free – said that the best result was from Zoner, with a 32% malware detection rate.

The only security app to generate more than a zero detection rate was Kinetoo's Malware Scan, which picked up just 6% of the 172 intentional infections, said the report

That's the bad news, Infosecurity notes. The good news, however, is that pay-for apps from the likes of F-Secure and Kaspersky Lab had 100% detection rates.

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