Free Infosecurity webinar on Tuesday explains why you should be archiving Web 2.0 communications

The general consensus is that it makes sound governance and security sense to archive these interactions, but do you really need to?

The answer to this question - and many more on the Web 2.0 governance front - can be heard in a free 60 minute webinar this Tuesday at 8am Pacific, 11am Eastern, entitled `Networking Data Archiving - it's a whole new data retention ballgame.'

Presenting at this interesting and though-provoking online event will be John P Pironti, a member of ISACA's education board and president of IP Architects, who will explain about the need for data identification and classification in social networking, as well as how data on social networking platforms often propagates to other environments.

Joining John on the presenter platform will be Sarah Carter, vice president of marketing with FaceTime Communications, the sponsor of the event, who will explain about some of the solutions to the issues raised in John's presentation.

Rounding out the panel will be Steve Gold, Infosecurity's technical editor, who will be conducting a poll of attendees’ opinions on the subjects raised in the event.

Steve will also be moderating what is sure to be a lively question and answer section in which attendees will be able to ask relevant questions of the panel.

Please register for this entertaining and informative webinar here...

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