Free social networking security webinar and research paper this Thursday

Your organization may be recording its phone calls to meet regulatory needs, but what about instant messages, Twitter and Facebook interactions? They're communications too.

And what about controlling who does what and when whilst online to Facebook? Does your IT security system have the granular controls needed for the new internet?

FaceTime Communications has sponsored a research paper looking at these and many other security and compliance issues associated with the new internet, and will be co-hosting a webinar with the research paper's author this Thursday at 8am Eastern/11am Pacific.

Join Infosecurity for what promises to be an informative, as well as educational, 60 minute webinar, with the added attraction of downloading the free research paper and the chance to quiz the paper's co-author on the subject of Social Networking: Roadblocks, Risk and Rewards.

Joining report co-author Ted Ritter of Nemertes Research will be Sarah Carter, vice president of marketing with the sponsor of the event, FaceTime Communications, as well as Steve Gold, technical editor with Infosecurity magazine.

Register for this free webinar and research paper download here...


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