Half of UK employees worked remotely over the summer

The survey of 102 business professionals who use computers as part of their job also showed that over two thirds (68%) of workers considered remote working to be a strong factor in enjoying or choosing their job, with 28% stating that it would be important if the technology was easy to use.

Gridsure, the online security vendor, says that 4% of professionals surveyed revealed they planned to work remotely this summer for the first time

The main difficulties with remote working cited by people surveyed were problems with network speeds (26%) and concerns around work data being stolen (16%).

Nine percent of respondents found it difficult to login to their PC because of problems with their password or smart-token technology.

Amongst those that did connect remotely, 44% linked to their office network using a business computer while 27% rely on their own computers, of which 18.5% did not have any form of network login

Commenting on the figures, Stephen Howes, Gridsure's CEO, said that uptake of remote working in the UK has skyrocketed in recent years as the demand for flexible job roles has increased and the enabling technology has become more readily available. "However, all too often remote working is associated with concerns around security and difficulties in logging onto remote networks. Not only can this be frustrating for the end user, but it also puts unnecessary strain on the IT helpdesk", he said.

According to Howes, as employees choose remote working locations outside of their home, security becomes even more crucial, yet it is worrying to see such a large proportion of users accessing their networks without any for form of authentication.

This is especially concerning where staff are using a personal computer without a network login as there are clear security implications, he noted.

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