Infosecurity Europe show opens with security cafes and expert forums

The security cafes are populated by vendors and associations such as F5 Networks, the Information Security Forum, ISACA, the ISSA, Lumension, Microsoft, Oracle, Research in Motion, RSA, Trend Micro and

Unusually for an educational program, the organisers of the event are offering the security cafes free of charge.

Security cafe events lined up for today include the Data Leakage Prevention Cafe stream with Microsoft and RSA; the Global Corporate Challenges Cafe stream with Research in Motion; the Threat and Mitigation Cafe stream with Lumension; and the Online Security Cafe stream with ISACA.

The other new feature of the show - the security expert forums - is also being offered to attendees free of charge.

The forums are the result of sponsorhip from companies such as F5 Networks, MobileGov, Secerno, Research in Motion, Verizon Business and Webroot and will see attendees gain access to a series of panel discussions on the top IT security topics of the moment.

Panel participants include Jon Collins, CEO of Freeform Dynamics; David Lacey, director of research with the ISSA; Brian McKenna, editor of Computer Weekly and a former editor of Infosecurity; Nigel Stanley, practice leader with Bloor Research; and Bob Tarzey, service director of Quocirca.

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