(ISC)2 Gives US Veterans a Cyber-leg Up

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The (ISC)2 Foundation has announced the first round of recipients of the 2014/2015 U.S.A. Cyber Warrior Scholarship.

The Cyber Warrior Scholarship program was designed to ease veterans’ transition back to the civilian workforce. The program was developed in collaboration with Booz Allen Hamilton to provide educational materials and a voucher for an (ISC)² certification exam as US veterans seek to advance in the field of cybersecurity.

The 2014 recipients include Bruk Befekadu, of Virginia Beach, Va.; Samuel Garana of Las Vegas; and Richard Waters, from Boise, Idaho.

Awardees will have the opportunity to earn one of the following certifications: Certified Cyber Forensics Professional (CCFPSM), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP), Certified Authorization Professional (CAP), HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISPPSM), Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) or Associate of (ISC)².

“The scholarship opens doors for veterans seeking continued service to their country—whether as contractors, law enforcement, intelligence officers or entrepreneurs—and at the same time helps to fill the growing need for cybersecurity professionals,” said Elise Yacobellis, director of global development at (ISC)², in a statement. “These recipients have beaten great odds in an effort to stabilize their lives after military service. We were most inspired by their vision for the future and desire to help train future generations.”

The next scholarship application period is open through January 1, 2015, for members of the active U.S. National Guard and Reserve  now eligible to apply.

“Booz Allen is proud to be a part of a program that helps veterans transition from military service to exciting, fulfilling careers in the civilian workforce,” said Booz Allen chief technologist Anthony Harris, a member of the scholarship review committee, in a statement. “Veterans make up a high percentage of the Booz Allen workforce, and we know these men and women to be capable, motivated professionals with solid work ethics and admirable core values.”

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