Millions of internet users unaware of dangers, says Kaspersky

Yet many within a generation of digital natives are living online without being aware of the dangers of the internet, Kaspersky said to mark World Information Society Day (WISD).

Using social networks, banking and shopping online have become part of the everyday lives of millions of people around the world, with 400 million signed up to social networking site Facebook.

WISD was declared by the UN in 2005 to raise global awareness of societal changes brought about by the internet and new technologies.

While up-to-date protective software is essential for every web user, it is particularly important for those who spend a lot of time interacting with others via the internet, said Kaspersky Lab.

Failing to use this type of software enables malware to take up residence on your computer, where it can intercept your login information for social networks and other services, researchers at Kaspersky said.

This article was first published by Computer Weekly

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