Infosecurity News

  1. Aflac to Open Global Cybersecurity Center in Belfast

    US insurance giant to open global cybersecurity center at Belfast Harbor

  2. White House Asks Congress for Largest IT Budget in History

    President Trump’s 2021 fiscal budget includes the largest IT funding request in US history

  3. China Denies Involvement in Equifax Hack

    China rebuffs US cyber-espionage charges over Equifax hack

  4. Year of the Catfish: 27% of Dating Site Users Scammed

    UK Finance urges lonely hearts to be cautious this Valentine’s Day

  5. LORCA and Kx Partner to Boost Cyber-Scaleups with Advanced Analytics

    Cyber-innovators will benefit from access to advanced data platform

  6. Danes Blame Bug for ID Leak Affecting 1.3 Million

    Over a fifth of the population affected by CPR snafu

  7. DevOps Alert: 12,000 Jenkins Servers Exposed to DoS Attacks

    Radware urges admins to fix cloud automation servers

  8. Chinese Military Personnel Charged with Equifax Hack

    US indicts four members of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army over Equifax hack

  9. Social Robot Teaches Kids Cyber-safety

    Delaware students learn online safety from a robot with a new spin on some old fairy tales

  10. Facebook's Social Media Accounts Hacked

    Hackers briefly took over Facebook’s Instagram and Twitter accounts

  11. Emotet Spreads Via Newly Discovered Wi-Fi Module

    Infamous loader brute forces nearby wireless networks

  12. Docker Registry Snafus Expose Firms to Cloud Compromise

    Palo Alto warns misconfigurations could seriously damage security

  13. National Portrait Gallery Faced Almost 350,000 Email Attacks in Q4 2019

    FOI data highlights information security risks for London tourist attractions

  14. Likud Election App Exposes All Israel’s Voters

    Nearly 6.5 million people caught up in privacy snafu

  15. Crypto Exchange Loses "Almost All Funds" in Hack

    Altsbit has its hot wallet emptied by cyber-criminals

  16. Lawyers Could Net $30m in Yahoo Data Breach Settlement

    Lawyers handling Yahoo’s $177.5m data breach settlement can expect a $30m payday

  17. Gorgon Group Grows More Sophisticated

    The threat group known for operating MasterMana botnet is now spoofing login portals

  18. White Hats Shine a Light on Philips Hue Hack

    Zigbee vulnerability could allow attackers to compromise networks

  19. UK Government Under Fire Over NSO Group Links

    Israeli spyware maker will be hosted at security fair next month

  20. Facebook Encryption Plans Slammed by Children’s Charities

    NSPCC and others warn of creating ‘safe spaces’ for pedophiles online

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