Infosecurity News

  1. US Man Charged with Stealing 100+ Songs from Recording Artists

    Conspirators alleged to have accessed cloud accounts of management companies

  2. Cryptocurrency Exchange UpBit Loses $52m in Attack

    South Korean firm latest in a long line to suffer digital heist

  3. Minor Arrested for Jack Dorsey Twitter Hack

    Chuckling Squad member arrested for hacking Twitter CEO’s Twitter account

  4. Hackers Demand Beer

    Brewery hackers demand secret beer formula be put into production

  5. Finns Label Cyber-Secure IoT Devices

    Finland has introduced a cybersecurity certification labeling system for IoT devices

  6. UK IT Pros: Brexit Will Increase Skills Shortages

    RedSeal study paints bleak future for Britain

  7. Google Sends 12,000 State Phishing Warnings in Three Months

    Government-backed cyber-attacks target global users

  8. Healthcare Execs Charged in $1Bn Fraud Scheme

    Tech start-up Outcome Health allegedly sold ads that didn’t exist

  9. Optiv Security Confirms Downsizing of European Operations

    Optiv Security is “downsizing” its London-based organic operations.

  10. European Cybersecurity Agency Publishes Report on Smart Car Security

    ENISA issues good practice guidance for the security of smart vehicles

  11. New Bill Could Cost US Companies Data

    New bill proposes granting US citizens the right to request companies delete data

  12. Pests Force Estonian Government Offline

    Estonia’s government was booted off the internet by hungry rats

  13. #InfosecNA: Security Risks of 5G, and How to Fix Them

    5G’s success will depend on it’s ability to resist, survive and recover from cyber-threats

  14. DevOps, Cloud and Remote Workers Dominate 2020 Risks

    Trend Micro report highlights supply chain dangers of the coming decade

  15. Two-Fifths of ICO Fines Remain Unpaid: Report

    UK privacy watchdog struggles to collect from nuisance call companies

  16. Nursing Home Patients at Risk After Ransomware Attack

    CEO claims lives could be at risk following $14m demand

  17. Singapore Invokes "Fake News" Law for the First Time

    Politician’s Facebook post contravened Singapore’s new Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act

  18. UK Government Invites Bids for New Cybersecurity Platform

    Britain’s Ministry of Justice is seeking help to build a centralized cybersecurity log

  19. Marie Stopes UK Awarded Cybersecurity Certification

    Contraception and safe abortion services provider earns cyber-safety certification

  20. #CyberThreat19: How to Make a Start Using Attack Frameworks

    How businesses of all sizes can use attack frameworks

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