Infosecurity News

  1. #InfosecNA: How to Know If You’ve Been Compromised

    It’s never been more important for organizations to be able to detect cyber-breaches

  2. Researchers Publish PoC for Docker Escape Bug

    Flaw is patched in Docker version 19.03.1

  3. US Man Charged with ISIS Coding Plot

    Chicago man allegedly tried to help group spread propaganda

  4. Anti-Stalkerware Alliance Sets Sights On Malicious Spying Apps

    Domestic surveillance apps a growing problem

  5. Windy City to Welcome 2,000 New Jobs in Cybersecurity and Technology

    Chicago cybersecurity and technology firms to create 2,000 new jobs in 2020

  6. Only 12.5% of Top US Retailers Protect Customers from Email Fraud

    Most of America’s top retailers don’t set their DMARC policy to protection mode

  7. PayMyTab Exposes Data of US Restaurant Goers

    Mobile payments provider failed to follow data storage security protocols

  8. Governments Lose Millions to DNS Attacks Each Year

    IDC report warns the sector is hardest hit

  9. Macy’s Online Customers Hit by Magecart Breach

    Hackers stole personal and payment details in October

  10. Louisiana Servers Down After Another Ransomware Blitz

    State responded quickly to contain the threat

  11. Hacked Disney+ Accounts on Sale for $1

    Disney’s streaming service hacked within a week of being launched

  12. Interpol to Condemn Strong Encryption

    Global crime-fighting force concerned that encryption conceals child sexual exploitation

  13. CyberCon Triples Number of Events for 2020

    CyberCon Power & Utilities CISO Summit expands to three events in 2020

  14. Office 365 Admins Singled Out in Phishing Campaign

    New attacks sent from legitimate but compromised domains

  15. Booter Boss Banged Up for 13 Months

    DDoS-for-hire services were responsible for millions of attacks

  16. Gamers Exposed After Wizards of the Coast Data Leak

    Human error leaves AWS bucket without protection

  17. Holiday Shopping on Company Devices a Worry for Executives

    Executives feel powerless to stop employees using company devices for holiday shopping

  18. Ransomware: Still Going Strong 30 Years On

    Ransomware increased 74% year on year in 2019

  19. Japan's Largest Messaging App Launches Bug Bounty Hunt

    LINE Corporation teams up with HackerOne to fix vulnerabilities

  20. LA Warns Travelers of Juice Jacking Scams

    Don’t plug your phone into public USB chargers, says DA’s office

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