Infosecurity News

  1. Nikkei Hit in $29m BEC Scam

    Media giant and US city latest victims of email fraud

  2. Global Registrar Suffers Major Breach

    Customers’ personal info may have been compromised

  3. #ISC2Congress: The Truth Behind the Lack of Women in Cybersecurity

    Low confidence and a toxic workplace culture put women off cybersecurity jobs

  4. #ISC2Congress: Cybersecurity Education Requires a Transdisciplinary Approach

    Cybersecurity should be taught in the same way as reading and writing

  5. #ISC2Congress: Cybersecurity Recruitment Is in a Dangerous Crisis

    Inadequate recruitment practices in cybersecurity are a threat to national security

  6. Two Plead Guilty to Uber and Hacks

    Duo’s extortion attempts worked only with ride-hailing giant

  7. Twitter Bans Political Ads Ahead of Key UK Election

    Social media platform aims to clean up its act

  8. #BSidesBelfast: We Need Security Capabilities For Our Whole Lifetime

    The next generation need to create "digital identity" security capabilities

  9. ICO to Police: Go Slow on Facial Recognition

    UK watchdog set to work on statutory code of practice

  10. #BSidesBelfast: Supply Chain Attacks Will Hit Code Repositories Next

    Supply chain attacks continue to be a reality for businesses

  11. #ISC2Congress: Military Hero Shares Tips for a Successful Life

    William McRaven tells cybersecurity professionals to take risks and expect failures

  12. #ISC2Congress: Stars of Cybersecurity Honored in Florida

    2019 ISLA Americas winners collect gongs at conference

  13. #ISC2Congress: CTI Is Woefully Underused

    Lack of understanding leaves phenomenal security resource untapped

  14. #BSidesBelfast: Threat Hunting Requires Curiosity and Culture

    What to look for when building a threat hunting team

  15. Major Cyber-Attack on APAC Ports Could Cost $110bn

    Lloyd’s-backed report warns of under-insurance in the region

  16. Facebook Removes Russian Networks Targeting African Users

    Coordinated inauthentic behavior linked to infamous IRA backer

  17. #BSidesBelfast: Focus More on Common Attacks, Less on Zero-Days

    In the 1980s we were talking about viruses as the main threat, that is the same now

  18. North Korean Malware Found at Indian Nuke Plant

    Government-owned enterprise confirms infection

  19. #ISC2Congress: Astronaut Email Scam Raises a Laugh

    CISO shares possibly the least convincing phishing attack ever

  20. #ISC2Congress: Technology Is Endangering Independent Decision-making

    Are we forgetting to secure ourselves against the impact of technology?

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