Infosecurity News

  1. Microsoft October Update Patches Nine Critical Vulnerabilities

    Microsoft patched 59 vulnerabilities yesterday, nine classified as “critical”

  2. #ACS19: Make Your Friends and Plans Before the Breach

    How breach response is about readiness

  3. Sharp Spike in Attacks Targeting Company Email Accounts

    Business Email Compromise attacks more than doubled in Q3, 2019.

  4. Industry Leaders Throw Weight Behind Interoperability Alliance

    New Open Cybersecurity Alliance wins backing of 18 vendors

  5. University to Create New Cybersecurity Approach Inspired by the Human Body

    A cyber-safety method modeled on the human nervous system is being developed in Arizona

  6. #ACS19: Make Cyber a Business Risk for Management Adoption

    Making cyber a business risk can aid with board engagement

  7. #ACS19: Police Chief’s Council Highlights Major Attacks and Threats to UK

    More sophisticated attackers and targeted attacks are a concern for UK police

  8. Global Study Finds Orgs Are Failing to Protect Data in the Cloud

    Just 32% of orgs think securing data in the cloud is their own responsibility

  9. New Zealand Health Organization Discovers Multiple Hacks Dating Back Three Years

    Tū Ora Compass Health apologizes for failing to keep patient data safe

  10. Data of 92 Million Brazilians for Sale on Underground Auction Site

    Brazilian citizens’ personal information is being auctioned to the highest bidder

  11. Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against CafePress Following Data Breach

    CafePress is accused of allowing a breach by failing to update flawed security software

  12. US and UK Sign Crime Data Sharing Agreement

    Priti Patel and William Barr sign agreement for crime data sharing

  13. ‘The Cyberthreat Handbook’ Released, Documents ‘Who’s Who’ of Attackers

    Report outlines cyber-attack techniques, targeted sectors and attack motives

  14. Over Three-Quarters of UK Workers Lack Basic Cyber-Training

    69% of UK workers do not have confidence in their ability to keep data secure

  15. Hundreds of New Cybersecurity Jobs Created in Ireland

    The Emerald Isle’s cybersecurity sector continues to grow

  16. Amex Employee Suspected of Wrongfully Accessing Customer Data to Commit Fraud

    Amex warns customers to be vigilant for fraudulent activity on their accounts after data breach

  17. EA Games Leaks Personal Data of 1600 FIFA 20 Competitors

    Gamers were shown personal information of other contenders when registering to compete

  18. #VB2019: Time For an Ethical Debate on Cyber Moral Decisions

    Too many decisions in cybersecurity require more of a discussion on morals and ethics

  19. #VB2019: Cyber Threat Alliance Cites Vendor Collaboration Benefits

    Vendor collaboration enables better threat intelligence

  20. #VB2019: Endpoints Remain Vulnerable to WannaCry Two Years On

    Two and a half years on from WannaCry, endpoints remain unpatched and vulnerable

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