Infosecurity News

  1. #OSSUMMIT: Confidential Computing Consortium Takes Shape to Enable Secure Collaboration

    The Linux Foundation announced the formation of the Confidential Computing Consortium

  2. Did Denmark Make the Wrong Call on Location Data?

    Errors in cellphone location data prompt a review of 10,700 verdicts in Denmark.

  3. VMware Plans $2.1bn Carbon Black Acquisition

    Carbon Black will become VMware’s Security Business Unit

  4. South Korea Exits Japanese Intel-Sharing Agreement

    Asian allies exposed to greater risk from North Korean missiles

  5. Crypto Exchange bitFlyer Adds Ethereum to Buy/Sell Platform

    bitFlyer users in Europe and the US can now send and receive Ethereum

  6. Ukrainian Nuke Plant Workers Tried to Mine Cryptocurrency

    Staff arrested after hooking up supercomputer to the internet

  7. City of London Hit by One Million Cyber-Attacks Per Month

    FOI data reveals rising number of detections in Square Mile

  8. Crackdown on Fake LinkedIn Profiles

    LinkedIn takes action against 21.6 million fake accounts.

  9. Fortnite Cheats Get Cheated

    Fortnite players who try to cheat are being duped by ransomware disguised as a game hack.

  10. Alaska is the Most Scammed State in America

    Based on victims per capita, Alaska has been named the most scammed state in America for the second year running.

  11. #GCSEResultsDay2019: Number of Students Taking Computing & ICT Exams Drops

    Clear gender gap apparent in those studying Computing and ICT

  12. IT Security Pros: Encryption Backdoors Are Election Hacking Risk

    Venafi study reiterates experts’ strong opposition to government-mandated backdoors

  13. Over a Third of Firms Have Suffered a Cloud Attack

    Outpost24 poll finds organizations failing on security testing

  14. IT Teams Urged Not to Prioritize Patches Using CVSS

    Risk-based tools and separate teams the key to faster response

  15. Companies Act to Defend Privacy of Kazakhstanis

    Google and Mozilla act to defend the privacy of users in Kazakhstan against their own government.

  16. China is Spying on Cancer Research

    A FireEye report finds evidence of Chinese APTs spying on medical research.

  17. Who's in Town Denies Instagram Block

    App Who's in Town has hit back against claims it was blocked on Instagram and Facebook.

  18. Account Takeover Cases Hitting UK Courts Soar 57%

    KPMG fraud report warns of increasing professionalization of cybercrime

  19. UK Boardrooms Falling Short on Cyber Expertise

    Most believe security concerns are holding back growth, according to EY

  20. Employee Error Behind Half of Industrial Network Incidents

    Kaspersky report warns of crucial skills gaps

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