Infosecurity News

  1. Security Experts Slam Group Hook-Up App

    Pen Test Partners claims 3fun leaked location, pics and more

  2. McAfee Makes Container Security Play With NanoSec Buy

    Start-up acquisition drives security giant’s DevSecOps message

  3. South Wales Police Slammed for New Facial Recog App

    Force under fire as court case continues

  4. #BHUSA: Schneier Advocates For Public Interest Technologists

    "We can’t get policy right if policy makers get the technology wrong.”

  5. #dianainitiative2019: Fight Against FUD With Education

    Increase education of problems and ask the right questions to defeat FUD.

  6. #BHUSA: Why Standards and DNS Are Key to Email Security

    Outlining standards and techniques used to combat phishing

  7. #dianainitiative2019: Save Remote Workers From Burnout

    A 10-year remote working veteran talks about how to efficiently work at home.

  8. #dianainitiative2019: Certifications, Careers and Prohibitors for Women in Cybersecurity

    A panel shared advice on careers and certification at the women's security conference.

  9. Apple's $1 Million Bug Bounty Comes Under Fire

    Apple’s $1 million bug bounty is being criticized.

  10. Ransomware Soars 365% Year-on-Year in Q2

    Malwarebytes warns of continued threat to organizations

  11. TfL Suspends Oyster Site After Credential Stuffing Blitz

    Customers encouraged not to reuse passwords

  12. Broadcom Snaps Up Symantec Enterprise Security Biz For $10.7bn

    Existing Symantec business with lose its name but keep Norton products

  13. #BHUSA: Cult of the Dead Cow Members Discuss Hacktivism, Influence & Politicians

    Cult of the Dead Cow reunite to discuss influence and legacy

  14. #BHUSA: DevSecOps, Looking Beyond the Buzzword

    DevSecOps isn't just yet another meaningless buzzword

  15. #BHUSA: How GDPR Can Help Attackers Steal Identities

    A GDPR component was abused to get access to personally identifiable information

  16. #BHUSA Scope of Russia's Dark Web Revealed

    The scale and content of Russian dark web was revealed in new research

  17. #BHUSA Empathy is Key to Hiring and Retaining Women in Cybersecurity

    Rebecca Lynch of Duo Security gave a talk on hiring, and just as importantly retaining, women in the cybersecurity industry.

  18. #BHUSA: Five Years of Google Project Zero Should Influence Similar Groups

    Project Zero boss looks back at five years of research

  19. #BHUSA: Increase Social Media Awareness With Active and Passive Testing

    A new tool enables active social media testing.

  20. #BHUSA: Defending Against Morphing DDoS with SODA

    F5 Labs researchers release a new open source tool and model to help organizations prepare for and defend against an emerging form of disruptive attack.

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