Infosecurity News

  1. Silicon Valley Issues Election Security Report

    A grand jury finds that San Mateo email and online communications platforms are vulnerable.

  2. Louisiana Governor Declares Emergency After Ransomware Blitz

    US state sounds alarm as power outage hits Johannesburg

  3. Russia Targeted Election Systems in All 50 US States

    Senate report warns of attempts to delegitimize 2020 election

  4. Researchers Find 23 Million Stolen Cards For Sale

    Dark web trade appears to be thriving

  5. 93% of Organizations Cite Phishing as Top Threat

    More than four-fifths of companies have had an attempted email-based threat, report says.

  6. Young Offenders Get a Second Chance to "Hack_Right"

    Police in the UK and Netherlands announce an education program aimed at first-time offenders in cybercrime.

  7. Campaign Targets Government IT in Eastern Asia

    Malicious RTF documents deliver custom malware to government tech agencies.

  8. AT&T Faces Court Showdown Over $224m SIM Swap Case

    Cryptocurrency entrepreneur says he lost $24m in incident

  9. APT17 Outed as MSS Operation

    Intrusion Truth name Guo Lin as likely lead officer

  10. Facebook Set For Major Privacy Overhaul Following Fine

    Social network agrees to independent oversight in privacy-by-design push

  11. VideoLAN's VLC Media Player Has Serious Flaw

    Germany's CERT-Bund researchers say hackers could install and run software if a security flaw is exploited.

  12. Cybercrime Costs Global Economy $2.9m Per Minute

    The third annual "Evil Internet Minute" report finds cybercrime cost a total of $1.5 trillion in 2018.

  13. Five Zero-Days Found in Comodo Anti-Virus Software

    An attacker could install malware to escalate to the highest privileges, researchers say

  14. Sky Customers Urged to Reset Passwords

    Reason for password reset remains unclear

  15. NSA Launches New Unit to Tackle Foreign Threat

    Cybersecurity Directorate will combine foreign intel and cyber defense

  16. BEC Scammers Turn to Aging Reports in New Twist

    Fraudsters obtain list of customers who owe money, says Agari

  17. UK Government Delays Huawei 5G Decision

    Culture secretary still trying to work out US strategy

  18. FIN8 Reappears with BADHATCH Malware

    A financially motivated threat group continues to adapt its tools.

  19. Lancaster University Confirms Data Breach, Applicants Targeted

    Lancaster University confirms it was hit by sophisticated and malicious phishing attack

  20. Iranian Threat Group Targets LinkedIn Users

    Iranian-linked APT34 is reportedly behind a malicious phishing campaign on LinkedIn.

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