Infosecurity News

  1. 75% of Security Awareness Pros Are Part Time

    New security awareness report shows slow but steady growth of program development.

  2. 93% of Orgs Worry About Cloud Security

    Two cloud security reports show data leaking in the cloud is a major concern.

  3. New Malware Samples Resemble StrongPity

    A publicly reported adversary engaged in ongoing malware campaign.

  4. CEOs’ Cyber Ignorance Costing Firms Dear

    RedSeal uncovers potential security risks in the smart home

  5. UK Government Staff Lost 500+ Devices Last Year

    MobileIron reveals potential security risk of mobile workers

  6. UK’s NCSC Hails Another Successful Year of Cyber Defense

    GCHQ body took down over 192,000 fraudulent sites in 2018

  7. Photo Shared via iPhone Leads to JetBlue Evacuation

    Someone sent photo of a suicide vest to passengers using Apple devices.

  8. Businesses Shine a Light on Shadow IT

    Shadow IT threats are mitigated with a zero-trust model, report says.

  9. US Coast Guard Issued Cyber-Safety Alert

    After a vessel was struck by a ransomware attack, the US Coast Guard warned ships to update their cybersecurity.

  10. NCSC in DNS Warning as Hijackers Focus on Home Routers

    New campaigns have already compromised 180,000 in Brazil

  11. NHS Still Running 2000+ XP Computers

    Shadow minister angry at slow pace of change

  12. UK Mid-Sized Firms Lost £30bn to Attacks in 2018

    Grant Thornton report reveals multiple board-level failings

  13. Oracle to Release Critical Patch Update

    Six of the 322 security vulnerability fixes were reportedly discovered by Onapsis Research Labs team.

  14. Monroe College Campuses Downed by Ransomware

    The attacker has reportedly demanded $2 million to decrypt the files.

  15. Nearly 20% of Organizations Still Run Windows 7

    Only six months remain until the end of Windows 7 support.

  16. Chinese Software Engineer Accused of US IP Theft

    Man stole source code before moving back to China, indictment alleges

  17. Japanese Exchange Bitpoint Hit By $32m Cyber-Attack

    Firm suspends services after notifying authorities

  18. Facebook Set For Record $5bn FTC Fine

    Social network penalized after Cambridge Analytica scandal

  19. Attacks in Turkey Used Excel Formula Injection

    Malicious spam attacks on Turkish organizations flew under the radar.

  20. Hacked Hair Straightener Could Set a Fire

    Researchers hack a Bluetooth Glamoriser hair straightener.

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