Infosecurity News

  1. Fines Increase & Enforcements Fall in First Year of GDPR

    Data protection monetary penalties have increased by £2 million in the past year

  2. 25% of Workers Would Give Away Data for £1000

    71% of the C-suite is willing to cover up a data breach

  3. ESET Exposes Turla Malware Attacks on European Diplomats

    Turla is believed to have been operating since 2008, when it breached the U.S. military.

  4. Impersonation Phishing Attacks Up 67% in Last 12 Months

    1,025 IT decision-makers shared their concerns on the rise in social engineering attacks.

  5. Pro-Iran Campaign Spread Fake News During Mid-Terms

    FireEye claims coordinated inauthentic behavior backed by Tehran

  6. Flipboard Breached in Nine-Month Raid

    Hacker accessed user databases, although passwords were encrypted

  7. Huawei Files New Motion Against Federal Ban

    Chinese giant declares government sales ban unconstitutional

  8. Cryptopia Fights to Keep Data Held by Arizona Firm

    The exchange, which was hacked and went into liquidation in May, has filed for U.S. bankruptcy protection.

  9. Germany Seeks Access to Encrypted Messages on WhatsApp, Telegram

    Not complying with this could end with companies being banned by the Federal Network Agency.

  10. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Makes its Cybersecurity Bulletproof

    A three-year agreement with local cybersecurity company Bulletproof seeks to improve and protect networks in the city

  11. GandCrab Campaign Attacks MySQL Servers

    Ransomware-slingers look for new victims

  12. Aussie Teen Hacked Apple in Hope of Job Offer

    Boy of 13 thought his hacking skills would land him role

  13. Japan to Restrict Foreign Tech Investment on Security Fears

    M&A in semiconductors, telecoms and other areas will be scrutinized by Tokyo

  14. Snapchat: Claims of Employees Spying "Inaccurate"

    Anonymous sources say employees used SnapLion to spy on users.

  15. Moody's Downgrading of Equifax Is a Message to Boards

    Downgrading Equifax's outlook is a warning in a language boards can understand.

  16. APT Increasingly Targets Canadian Orgs

    Threat actors are using Emotet in malicious email campaigns on Canadian audiences, researchers say.

  17. GDPR: Security Pros Believe Non-Compliance is Rife

    Lawyers warn enforcement activity will “step up”

  18. IoT Attacks Cost UK Firms Over £1bn

    Irdeto report reveals impact of customer data loss and attrition

  19. Assange Hit with New 18-Count Indictment

    US alleges publishing war docs harmed put informers and national security at risk

  20. LinkedIn Admits a Delay in Renewing TLS Cert

    A delay in SSL certification update has been fixed after users received security alerts.

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