Infosecurity News

  1. Huawei Says Collaboration Key to 5G Security

    Left out of Prague's 5G security talks Huawei says it shares a commitment to cybersecurity.

  2. War Against Fraudsters Looks Winnable, Report Says

    More fraud will be stopped than will succeed in 2019, research suggests.

  3. Nearly Half of US Orgs Not Ready for CCPA

    Those compliant with GDPR have an advantage, according to research.

  4. Senate Passed Fed Cyber Workforce Program Act

    New rotational workforce program allows cybersecurity practitioners to learn across agencies.

  5. Experts Warn of Office 365 Account Takeover Surge

    Barracuda Networks claims 29% of organizations it monitored were hit in March

  6. BYOD Risks Grow as Half of Firms Fail on Policies

    Bitglass claims firms are failing to secure personal device use

  7. Europol: Two More Dark Web Marketplaces Seized

    Wall Street Market and Silkkitie offline after arrests

  8. TinyPOS: Handcrafted Malware in Assembly Code

    The TinyLoader downloader functionality is small but powerful, says Forcepoint.

  9. New Exploits Target Components of SAP Applications

    10KBLAZE exploits can compromise two SAP components.

  10. Putin Signs Law to 'Stabilize' Russian Internet

    Russia prepares for the unlikely event that it could be blocked from the global infrastructure of the WWW.

  11. UK IT Bosses Failing on Password Best Practices

    Experts call for an end to static credentials on World Password Day

  12. UK Government Intros Landmark IoT Security Proposals

    New law would introduce clearer labeling and mandate improved built-in security

  13. UK Defense Secretary Sacked Over Huawei Leak

    Calls for Official Secrets Act investigation

  14. Cyber-Attacks in UK Grew by 140% in 2018

    UK employees are targeted more than their global counterparts, report finds.

  15. Brute-Force Attempts More Common on Edge Devices

    Edge devices pose increasing threats to enterprises.

  16. US DHS Issues Cybersecurity Vulnerability Directive

    Federal agencies must remediate critical vulnerabilities within 15 days of initial detection.

  17. Consumers Revolt Over IoT Security Shortcomings

    Internet Society research finds significant concerns over data collection

  18. Most Firms Rely on Trust Alone for Supply Chain Security

    Accenture report reveals less than a third have adequate insight into partners

  19. US Church Hit in $1.8m BEC Scam

    Attackers compromised email accounts to trick staff

  20. Not Managing Open Source Opens Door for Hackers

    96% of commercial codebases contain open source components, report finds.

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