Infosecurity News

  1. TA505 Targets Financial and Retail Using 'Undetectable' Methods

    CyberInt found TA505 is using tactics and a remote administration tool, developed by TektonIT.

  2. Fraudsters Exploit Sympathies Surrounding Notre Dame Tragedy

    Following the tragic events in Paris, cyber-criminals have taken advantage of people's goodwill.

  3. Cloud Security Spending Set to Top $12bn by 2023

    Forrester claims public cloud native security spend will grow fastest

  4. Dark Web Fraudsters Defraud Each Other with Fraud Guides

    Terbium Labs reveals old, incomplete and repackaged how-to guides flooding the dark web

  5. DNS Hijackers Target Middle East Governments

    New state-sponsored groups goes after registrars

  6. DCMS Shares UK Journalists Emails, Potential GDPR Breach

    The government department responsible for implementing the GDPR has committed a faux pas with UK journalists which could mean it has broken its own rules

  7. UK To Become First Country To Bring in Age-Verification for Online Pornography

    The UK will become "the first country in the world" to bring in age-verification for online pornography, according to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

  8. Scranos Goes Global After Targeting China

    A new password and data stealing operation that has been targeting China has started to infect users worldwide using a rootkit driver

  9. Fifth of Web Traffic Comes from Malicious Bots

    Distil Networks reveals financial services is most affected sector

  10. EU: We Have No Evidence Kaspersky Lab is Security Risk

    European Commission effectively confirms that Parliament vote was ill-informed

  11. Wipro Confirms Major Breach Investigation

    A dozen customers suspected of being compromised

  12. Almost a Quarter of Orgs Don’t Run Security Checks on Products

    New survey finds concerning approach to security testing before productS are launched into the market

  13. Spear-Phishing Campaign Targeted Ukrainian Government as Early as 2014

    A spear-phishing email campaign targeting Ukraine could have been active as early as 2014.

  14. Support Services Websites Cut Off from UK Public by Gov-Backed ISPs

    Charity, school and social support websites are being blocked by "overzealous" web filters designed to protect children from harmful online content.

  15. Fortinet to Pay $545,000 for Violating False Claims Act

    The network security company acknowledged that one of its ex-employees orchestrated altering product labels to make them compliant with the Trade Agreement Act.

  16. NCSC Launches 2019 Cybersecurity Accelerator

    UK government wants to find the security stars of tomorrow

  17. TSB Offers to Cover APP Fraud Losses

    Lender hopes to blaze a trail as authorized push payment scams increase

  18. FBI Non-Profit Probes Agent Data Breach

    Reports suggest data was sold on dark web

  19. Huawei Poses 'No Threat' According to Belgium, Trump Not Convinced

    The Belgian Centre for Cybersecurity won't issue "a negative opinion" on Huawei following several months of investigation.

  20. Kaspersky Labs Discovers 'Previously Unknown Vulnerability' in Microsoft Windows

    Kaspersky Labs believes it was an attempt to gain full control over a targeted device.

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