Infosecurity News

  1. Yahoo Offers New $117m Breach Settlement

    Verizon also commits to doubling security spend at ailing web firm

  2. Microsoft Fixes Another Two Zero Days in Patch Avalanche

    Latest update round sees patches for over 70 vulnerabilities

  3. UK Man Jailed for Porn Site Ransomware Scheme

    Essex cyber-criminal was part of Russian Angler EK gang

  4. New Grab-and-Go Stealer Is Making Waves

    The Baldr stealer malware incorporates three threat actors, says researchers.

  5. Crooks Appear Legitimate Using Stolen Digital IDs

    Cyber-criminals are using digital doppelgangers traded in dark web marketplaces to avoid detection.

  6. Verizon Issues Fix for Home Router Bugs

    A researcher discovers three vulnerabilities in Verizon's home router.

  7. EU Launches GDPR Probe into Microsoft Contracts

    European Data Protection Supervisor follows up on Dutch investigation

  8. Coin Mining Attack Cripples Production at Japanese Firm

    Hoya saw output drop 40% after malware hit factories

  9. Home Office Error to Blame for Windrush Privacy Snafu

    Compensation claimants have personal details exposed

  10. Fake Malware Tricks Radiologists Diagnosing Cancer

    Penetration testers intercept CT scans, and inject or remove cancerous nodes on scans.

  11. TrickBot Used in Tax Season Email Spoofing

    Attackers impersonate tax services and payroll companies ahead of US tax filing deadline.

  12. Nielsen Resigns Post as DHS Secretary

    After only 16 months on the job, Secretary of DHS submits letter of resignation.

  13. Nine in 10 CNI Providers Damaged by Cyber-Attacks

    Tenable finds skills shortages and visibility key barriers to effective security

  14. Senators’ Bill Aims Swift Sanctions at Election Meddlers

    DETER Act looks to punish Russia and other rogue nations

  15. London Council Fined £145K For Leaking Gangs Info

    Local authority in the dock over 2017 incident

  16. Attackers Target Home Routers with DNS Hijacking

    Exploit attempts in a DNS hijacking campaign originated from hosts on Google Cloud Platform.

  17. Facebook Home to 74 Black Market Groups

    Researchers discover dozens of cyber-fraud services on Facebook.

  18. Australia Law Bans Violent Content on Social Media

    Social media executives could face fines for failure to remove "abhorrent violent material."

  19. US Web Servers Hosted 10 Malware Families

    Nevadan bullet-proof hoster enables massive phishing operation

  20. BEC Gang “London Blue” Lines Up 8500 New Execs

    Organized email scam group targets thousands more firms

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