Infosecurity News

  1. Phishing Attacks Spiked by 250% in 2018

    Microsoft's new Security Intelligence Report reveals evolving tactics of hackers.

  2. #RSAC: 99 Security Products and You Still Got Breached

    It’s time to downsize on tools

  3. #RSAC: Rethinking Third-Party Risk Management

    Orgs need to have their information security program in sync with their third-party vendors’

  4. NTT Signs Deal to Acquire WhiteHat Security

    NTT Security acquires WhiteHat Security to enhance end-to-end solutions.

  5. Cybercrime Costs Firms $13m Each as Malicious Insider Threat Grows

    Accenture and Verizon reports detail growing menace from within

  6. Global Privacy Study Finds Firms Failing on Accountability

    ICO warns that 15% have no incident response measures in place

  7. FTSE 350 Boards Still Struggling with Cyber Awareness

    Government report highlights progress but lack of maturity in several areas

  8. #RSAC: How to Nudge User Behavior

    How to "nudge" your users to better security behavior

  9. #RSAC: Cryptographers' Panel Discusses Blockchain, Voting & Missing Shamir

    RSA Conference's Cryptographers' Panel misses Adi Shamir due to Visa issues

  10. #RSAC: Build Better Bridges Between OT and IT

    Better bridges need to be built between IT and operational technology

  11. Is 'The Cybersecurity 202' Poll a Political Play at RSA?

    A WaPo survey question tries to rebuke the Trump Administration's work on securing critical infrastructure.

  12. #RSAC: AI – Lightning in a Bottle, or Burning Down the House?

    Innovations that strengthen our defenses – such as AI – can also be weaponized to fuel attacks

  13. No More Stickups, Bank Heists Have Gone Cyber

    Banking Trojans lead to sleepless nights for CISO, says report.

  14. Cybercrime Trends Toward Mobile Bots, Report Says

    Knowing customer behaviors can reduce threats from bot attacks, says ThreatMetrix.

  15. #RSAC: Our Tech Advances Must be Trustworthy & Embrace Risk

    Rohit Ghai and Niloofar Razi Howe reflect on an inflection point of the digital revolution and its impact on trust online

  16. WordPress Comprises 90% of Hacked Sites: Report

    Sucuri report also finds e-commerce platforms need to improve security

  17. China’s APT40 Group Stole Navy Secrets

    FireEye claims APT group also targeted Belt and Road countries

  18. Over 80% of UK Students Have Never Considered an Infosec Career

    SANS Institute study finds awareness of roles is just 11% across EMEA

  19. #CSASummit: Privacy at Crossroads of Good and Bad

    Future of privacy is neither good nor futile, says ACLU

  20. #CSASummit: Ten Years of Cloud Brought Risk, Regulations and Reliability

    Ten years of cloud computing have brought about a change in understanding, DevOps, new risk strategies and regulations

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