Infosecurity News

  1. Hackers Target Maltese Bank in €13m Cyber Heist

    Bank of Valetta was forced to shut down all services

  2. Most US Firms Expect Critical Attack this Year

    Trend Micro’s Cyber Risk Index finds protecting data is number one concern

  3. Two in Three Orgs Not Convinced They Can Avoid a Breach

    Most organizations lack resources for vulnerability management, according to a new Ponemon Institute survey.

  4. DoJ Charges Hackers with Staging Computer Attacks

    Alleged members of the global hacker group Apophis Squad have been arrested.

  5. #TEISS19: Deliver Your Security Message at an Understandable Level

    Use the AIM structure to deliver better communications across the business

  6. #TEISS19: Consider Psychology of Staff to Meet Data Protection Ambitions

    Consider an open and clear communications strategy internally to ensure data protection compliance

  7. Equifax Partner Breaches Customer Data

    Image-I-Nation Technologies supplies software for background checks

  8. Millions Affected by 500px Data Breach

    Photo network resets passwords after incident last July

  9. Patch Tuesday Roundup Includes IE Zero Day

    Admins urged to get patching over 70 flaws

  10. Phishing, Humans Root of Most Healthcare Attacks

    Bad actors leverage phishing attacks against healthcare orgs.

  11. VFEmail Suffers Catastrophic Attack, All Data Lost

    A major cyber-attack destroyed all of an email provider's data in US, including backups.

  12. SMBs Believe Attack Will Kill Their Company

    SMBs believe a cyber-attack would put them out of business

  13. #TEISS19: Brute Force Won’t Change People's Behaviors, You Must ‘Modify’ Their Beliefs

    How security leaders can effect changes in behaviors to improve security buy-in from the C-suite

  14. #TEISS19: Quantifying Security Posture is Key to Mitigating Risk

    What is required for effective risk measurement

  15. UK Firms Are Drowning in Breaches

    Carbon Black report reveals an average of 3.7 per organization last year

  16. #TEISS19: Boards Must Become More Technical to Make Orgs More Secure, says NCSC CEO

    Ciaran Martin outlines vision for a more secure Britain

  17. Firms Urged to Patch Serious Container Runtime Flaw

    SELinux will also mitigate the risk for firms

  18. ICO Helps Secure Bans for Mobile Spam Bosses

    Two company directors receive a combined ban of 10 years

  19. AWS Issues Alert for Multiple Container Systems

    Vulnerability impacts 11 AWS container management systems

  20. Data Privacy Top of Mind for 2020 Candidates

    Sen. Amy Klobuchar says she would focus on creating data privacy regulations

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