Infosecurity News

  1. Japan to Hack IoT Ahead of 2020 Olympics

    The Japanese government will hack into nearly 200 million home and office devices.

  2. Matrix Ransomware: A Threat to Low-Hanging Fruit

    Targeted malware like Matrix is tantamount to a cat burglar, says SophosLabs.

  3. Report: Majority of Small UK Businesses ‘Ignoring GDPR Risks’

    75% of small UK businesses have not updated or reviewed data security and privacy policies since the GDPR came into force

  4. US Launches Major Effort to Disrupt North Korean Botnet

    FBI notifies victims of Joanap malware

  5. Airbus Staff Caught in Data Breach

    Unauthorized access incident affected commercial aircraft business

  6. New UK Fraud Rules Set to Empower Victims

    Consumers can now complain to the fraudster's bank

  7. Third-Party Breaches Plague Multiple Industries

    Discover, Allen Chern and Verity Medical Foundation report unauthorized third-party access to customer data.

  8. 65 Fortune 100s Downloaded Flawed Apache Struts

    The vulnerability exploited in Equifax breach is still being used nearly two years later.

  9. Digital Growth Exposes Firms to Complexity and Threats

    Almost all IT executives feel vulnerable to attack, according to Thales

  10. Global Ransomware Attack Could Cost $193 Billion

    New cyber risk report paints doomsday scenario

  11. Global Police Close Notorious Online Marketplace

    The xDedic site enabled an illegal trade in server credentials

  12. Largest DDoS Attack Sent Over 500 Million Packets per Second

    Last year's DDoS attack at GitHub, surpasses all previous attacks, says Imperva.

  13. Info-Stealing FormBook Returns in New Campaign

    Underground hacking forums recommend a new version of FormBook for hosting and serving malware.

  14. Attackers Exploit Zero-Day in WordPress Plugin

    Total Donations was abandoned by its developers, leaving little hope for a fix.

  15. Group FaceTime Disabled While Apple Works on Fix

    Using FaceTime today won't keep eavesdroppers away.

  16. UK Government Pledges Security Skills and R&D Funding

    Wants nation to be a leader in hardware security

  17. US Turns Up Heat on Huawei with 23-Count Indictments

    DoJ alleges Chinese firm stole trade secrets and tricked banks into breaking sanctions

  18. Global Police Crack Down on Webstresser Customers

    Europol says UK’s NCA is leading the charge

  19. Fileless Infection Steals Creds with Bank Trojan

    Ursnif malware has been detected in the wild.

  20. Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Consumer Privacy Rights

    A landmark case overturns ruling of appellate court, finding consumers don't need actual injury to sue for privacy violations.

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