Infosecurity News

  1. US Confirms Huawei CFO Extradition Plans

    DoJ will meet deadline to request Meng Wanzhou’s transfer from Canada

  2. Security Boffins Block 100K Malicious Sites in 10 Months

    Non-profit URLhaus project claims there’s still a long way to go

  3. DHS Emergency Directive Looks to Block Iranian DNS Threat

    Agencies told to act within 10 days

  4. Servers Grab Client Files via MySQL Design Flaw

    Design flaw makes MySQL server able to request any local file.

  5. Two Elasticsearch Databases Found Unprotected

    Millions of records were left unprotected in a AIESEC database and a variety of online casinos.

  6. Americans Feel Fated to Fall Prey to Cybercrime

    Financial loss to scams mounts, as Americans report caring less about falling victim to cybercrime.

  7. Dark Web Drug Dealers Get 43 Years

    Leeds trio sold fentanyl and carfentanyl internationally

  8. Active Cyber Defence Should Be Rolled Out UK-Wide: Report

    King’s College London claims ACD could help win customer trust

  9. Google’s €50m GDPR Fine Heralds a New Era

    Tech giant punished for lack of transparency, valid consent and adequate info

  10. Plexal Announces New International LORCA Partnerships

    The Global Cyber Alliance and the New York Economic Development Corporation to boost international security cooperation at the London Office for Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement

  11. Global Firms Face $5tr in Cybercrime Losses

    Accenture report urges greater focus on industry-wide collaboration

  12. DNC: Russian Hackers Targeted Staffers After Midterms

    Civil case against alleged Kremlin/Trump conspiracy updated with new revelations

  13. Collection #1 Data Dump the “Tip of the Iceberg”

    Experts warn same seller has TBs of more recent data for sale

  14. New Year, New Features for Fallout EK

    The Fallout exploit kit uses a new Flash exploit, likely to evade detection.

  15. Malware Evades Detection One Step at a Time

    Banking Trojan Anubis was hidden in two Google Play apps.

  16. Hackers Use PayPal to Phish with Ransomware

    A new, sophisticated attack kills two birds with one stone.

  17. CyberFirst Girls 2019 Kicks Off Next Week

    Thousands expected to take part in competition for school-aged students

  18. Facebook Disrupts New Russian Disinformation Campaign

    Hundreds of pages taken down after Sputnik employees are caught out

  19. DoJ Prepping Criminal Probe of Huawei IP Theft: Report

    Case linked to 2014 theft of T-Mobile tech

  20. Attackers Leverage Open Source in New BYOB Attack

    Plug-and-play hacking kits give rise to botnet attacks.

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