Infosecurity News

  1. Detection Limited Hacker Access to EWN Database

    Australia's Early Warning Network says staff quickly shut down systems upon detecting intruder

  2. Disgruntled Man Behind German Cyber-Attack

    20-year-old arrested in German data breach said he was annoyed with government officials

  3. Malvertising Campaign Delivers Info-Stealer Plus Ransomware

    Malwarebytes warns users of double whammy

  4. Coinbase Disables ETC After Double Spend Attacks

    Exchange halts sends and receives after $1m blitz

  5. Contactless Fraud Losses Double but Remain Low

    UK victims still lost nearly £1.2m in first 10 months of 2018

  6. CISOs Find Collaboration Improves Resiliency

    Boards should recruit members with cyber expertise, finds ACSC report

  7. Singapore Airlines Software Bug Results in Breach

    285 KrisFlyer accounts exposed because of software glitch

  8. Don't Fall for the WhatsApp Gold Scam

    WhatsApp Gold fake chain messages have returned

  9. Three-Quarters of Firms Hit by Container Security Incidents

    Tripwire study highlights major concerns over popular technology

  10. 60% of UK Consumers Leaving Themselves Vulnerable to New Year’s Resolution Scams

    27% of consumers feel pressure from brands when trying to achieve their New Year’s goals

  11. LA City Sues Weather App Over Data Collection

    Weather Channel app allegedly deceived users into handing over location data

  12. Thousands Complain About TV License Phishing Emails

    Users are tricked into entering personal and financial details

  13. Malware in Flappy Birr App Flies Away with Data

    Spyware in disguise passes for legitimate Android apps in Google Play.

  14. Phishing Template Uses Fake Fonts

    A first-of-its kind phishing template exploits web font features, says Proofpoint.

  15. Marriott Hackers Got Millions of Passports Numbers

    As the investigation continues, Marriott issues a data breach update.

  16. Millions of Tower of Salem Gamers Hit by Breach

    Data stolen includes IP addresses, emails and hashed passwords

  17. German Politicians Caught in Massive Data Leak

    Only far right politicians appear to have been spared

  18. US Cloud Hoster Receives Christmas Ransomware 'Gift'

    Data Resolution claims to be victim of Ryuk strain

  19. EU Launches Bug Bounty for 15 Open Source Projects

    The European Commission will award bounties in the third round of its free and open source software audit.

  20. Terrified PewDiePie Hacker Bids Dramatic Farewell

    After targeting Chromecast, TheHackerGiraffe grew scared of getting caught.

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