Infosecurity News

  1. Website of Dublin Tram Service, Luas, Hacked

    The attacker is demanding a payment of one Bitcoin within five days.

  2. Hackers Threaten to Release 9/11 Data 'Trove'

    Experts sound note of caution as extorters ramp up the hyperbole

  3. PewDiePie Hackers Take Aim at Chromecast TVs

    Users urged to switch off UPnP in latest campaign

  4. Password Manager Users Exposed After Privacy Snafu

    Abine admits millions of Blur customers may have been affected

  5. Third Party Accessed Victorian Government Directory

    Work details of 30,000 Victorian government employees was stolen in the data breach.

  6. Cybersecurity Guidelines Released for Healthcare

    The Department of Health and Human Services released voluntary cybersecurity best practices for the healthcare sector.

  7. Attribution Unknown in Tribune Publishing Attack

    Robert Lee calls for calm and patience in the aftermath of malware attack on Tribune Publishing.

  8. EU Looks to Reduce Exposure to Chinese 5G Risk: Report

    Brussels wants a more coordinated response to security challenges

  9. Vietnam's New Cyber Law Threatens Free Speech

    Repressive legislation came into force on January 1

  10. Hackers Target North Korean Defectors

    Pyongyang suspected of retaliation

  11. Amazon Order Confirmation Phishing Scam

    Sophisticated campaign attempts to dupe Amazon shoppers with fake order confirmation email

  12. Grad Makes ROTC History with Cybersecurity Degree

    First cybersecurity graduate for Southern University

  13. New App Protects User Data on the Internet

    Startup aims to return control of data to users

  14. UK Launches Long-Awaited Cyber Skills Strategy

    Independent council will lay foundations for the future

  15. Over 500K School Staff and Students Hit by Breach

    Phishing campaign targeted scores of San Diego school staff

  16. Nearly 20,000 Orange Modems Leaking Wi-Fi Passwords

    Researchers spot possible attack traffic in Spain

  17. IBM Kernel-Based Vulnerability Discovered

    No patch for a vulnerability found in a driver bundled with IBM Trusteer Rapport for MacOS, says Trustwave.

  18. Criminal Charges Filed in DDoS-for-Hire Services

    DOJ takes down 15 domains and charges three defendants in DDoS-for-hire seizure.

  19. Singapore Launches Second Bug Bounty Program

    As it undergoes its digital transformation, Singapore engages the hacker community to mitigate risk.

  20. Caribou Coffee Card Breach Hits 265 Stores

    US chain the latest to suffer POS malware infection

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