Infosecurity News

  1. Over 40,000 Stolen Government Logins Discovered

    Group-IB believes hackers are selling the global credentials

  2. Apache Misconfig Leaks Data on 120 Million Brazilians

    Half the country has ID numbers exposed

  3. Bug Hunting Is Cybersecurity's Skill of the Future

    80% of security researchers say that hunting skills helped land them a job.

  4. Microsoft, PayPal and Google Top the Brands Hit by Phishing

    Malicious attachments are the top method of phishing attack, with phishing URLs close behind.

  5. Campaign Targets Critical Russian Infrastructure

    A Russian oil company was targeted by financially motivated attackers.

  6. Operation Sharpshooter Targets Nuke and Defense Firms

    New malware campaign uses Lazarus Group source code

  7. AI Set to Supercharge Phishing in 2019

    Trend Micro claims black hats will mix old with new techniques over coming year

  8. Microsoft and Adobe Patch 100+ Bugs in December

    Several zero-day vulnerabilities should be prioritized by admins

  9. Amplification Bots Retweet Misinformation

    The anatomy of Twitter consists of millions of tweets, not all of which spread credible information.

  10. House Report Says Equifax Breach Was Preventable

    The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform says Equifax did not do enough to prevent massive data breach.

  11. Middle East Servers Targeted in Saipem Cyber-Attack

    An attack on Saipem began in India and targeted servers in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.

  12. Quarter of NHS Trusts Have No Security Pros

    RedScan FOI results reveal worrying skills shortages

  13. NHS Fax Ban Set to Improve Security from 2020

    Health secretary wants to drag health service into 21st century

  14. New Google+ Bug Moves Site End Date Forward

    Social network will now be closed by April 2019

  15. House Releases Cybersecurity Strategy Report

    The chair of the House and Energy Committee released a cumulative report on cybersecurity strategies.

  16. Privacy a Key Concern for Telecoms and Consumers

    As the IoT continues to grow, telecoms and consumers say security is critical.

  17. DanaBot Trojan Expands Beyond Banking

    The DanaBot banking Trojan sends malicious spam emails to victim's contacts.

  18. Nearly 70% of UK Firms Hit by a Cyber-Attack in 2018

    Financial and customer losses hit home as IT pros demand more government help

  19. Europol Touts Dark Web Win After Counterfeit Crack Down

    Police arrest suspected buyers of fake banknotes

  20. Teen Email Hoaxer Gets Three Years

    Duke-Cohan targeted thousands of schools in UK and US

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