Infosecurity News

  1. Amazon ‘Error’ Exposes Countless Customer Emails

    Firm under fire for phishy looking email

  2. Mirai Used as Payload in Hadoop YARN Vulnerability

    Mirai was detected attacking non-IoT, targeting unpatched Linux servers.

  3. Phishers Up Their Game to Combat User Awareness

    As users become more aware of threats, phishing campaigns are growing more sophisticated, says Zscaler.

  4. 13 Malware-Laden Fake Apps on Google Play

    A security researcher uses Twitter to warn users about 13 malicious Android apps.

  5. Magecart Black Hats Battle it Out On Infected Site

    One group attempts to sabotage skimming operation of the other

  6. Online Fraud Losses Set to Hit Nearly $50bn by 2023

    Juniper Research warns of rising synthetic ID fraud

  7. Volume of Suspended UK Domains Doubles Again

    Nominet stats reveal another sharp increase in phishing and IP abuse

  8. Majority of Orgs Unaware of IoT Security Threats

    Security is still an Achilles heel in IoT.

  9. Malvertising in Apple Pay Targets iPhone Users

    Malicious advertising on newspaper and magazine websites is targeting iPhone users.

  10. Hackers Linked to Russia Impersonate US Officials

    APT29, aka Cozy Bear, is believed to be behind a phishing campaign targeting US computers, says FireEye

  11. UK Government Failing on CNI Security, Say MPs

    Committee criticizes lack of leadership at the top

  12. ICO Breach Reports Continue to Rise in Q2

    GDPR-fueled awareness kicks in as business and healthcare incidents dominate

  13. TalkTalk Duo Get Jail Time

    Young men tried to make money by selling stolen data online

  14. Instagram Bug, Now Fixed, Exposed User Passwords

    Instagram's Download Your Data tool potentially exposed passwords of Instagram users.

  15. Database Misconfiguration Leaks 26 Million SMS Messages

    A Voxox database was left without password protection, exposing 2FA codes in real time.

  16. 2FA Login Failure in Office 365 and Azure

    Users worldwide have been impacted by issues with Microsoft 2FA in Office 365 and Azure

  17. Vision Direct Notifies Customers of Data Compromise

    Vision Direct notifies customers of November data compromise

  18. 40% of UK Shoppers Want Cyber Monday Bargains, Half Willing to Buy from Previously Breached Retailers

    Survey finds 63% of respondents are now more likely to cross reference email domains with legitimate retailers’ URLs

  19. Cybersecurity Is Getting Its Own Agency

    The renamed agency will oversee cybersecurity under a reorganization bill that went to the White House for the president's signature.

  20. BlackBerry Acquires Cylance for $1.4bn

    BlackBerry will include Cylance's AI offerings to enable the enterprise of things.

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