Infosecurity News

  1. Most Orgs Enabling BYOD Lack Security Controls

    Employee mobility and satisfaction are the main drivers for enabling BYOD.

  2. Japanese Cybersecurity Minister Doesn’t Use a PC

    Senior politician appeared confused over basic questions

  3. MPs Slam Government Over CNI Skills Crisis

    Response to committee report lacked urgency, says chair

  4. One Million Kids Tracker Watches Deemed Unsafe

    Researchers find major flaws which could put children in danger

  5. #InfosecNA18: Threat Sharing Makes Good Neighbors

    Is collaborating and sharing threat intelligence an option or a responsibility?

  6. #InfosecNA18: Where Are We with GDPR?

    Keeping up with compliance in a post-GDPR world.

  7. #InfosecNA18: NSA Weighs In on SOC Defense

    What are the common strategies that will harden defenses in the NSA’s cybersecurity threat operations center and industries' security operations centers?

  8. Congress Warned of Chinese IoT Security Threat

    Report recommends rigorous supply chain risk assessments

  9. OPM Still Failing on Security After 2015 Breach

    GAO report claims over a third of recommendations have not been enacted

  10. Skimmed BA and Newegg Customer Card Details Up for Sale

    Dark web trawl reveals Magecart criminals are monetizing stolen data

  11. #InfosecNA18: Who Is Today's CISO?

    The CISO has accumulated many responsibilities that have confused the essence of the role.

  12. #InfosecNA18: Finding and Keeping Security Teams

    Industry experts talk about overcoming the skills gap and retaining talent.

  13. #InfosecNA18: Building a Security Awareness Program

    Panelists share tips on creative ways to train employees on security awareness.

  14. #InfosecNA18: Mitnick Talks Social Engineering and Attack Tactics

    Social engineering continues to be a success as attack tactics work

  15. Dutch Film Boss Sacked After €19m BEC Loss

    Finance director also fired after failing to spot major scam

  16. ICO Prosecution Leads to First Jail Sentence

    Privacy watchdog sees data thief go to prison for six months

  17. Cathay Pacific Admits Cyber-Attack Lasted Months

    Airline reveals deeper cybersecurity malaise at the firm

  18. Nordstrom Quick to Tell Employees of a Data Breach

    After a data breach was detected at Nordstrom, co-president Blake Nordstrom contacted employees.

  19. Facebook Bug Let Websites Access Private User Data

    Facebook reportedly fixed a bug that granted websites access to user info and their contacts.

  20. Countries Back the Paris Call to Secure Cyberspace

    French president Emmanuel Macron launched the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace at the UNESCO Internet Governance Forum.

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